Site Updates

Introducing the Anna Plays Skyrim site

After spending many months writing up Skyrim playthrough posts for my main site of, I finally decided I had enough content that it really warranted its own dedicated site. With this post, I’m pleased to announce that site is now live.

Its official title is Anna Plays Skyrim, and its official address is

All of the same content posted to my primary site related to Skyrim has been copied over to this new site. All the prior playthrough posts for Alarrah, Merawen, Delga, and Ysani are here, rearranged quite a bit to clean up the organization.

Notably, with the following changes:

  1. Since Alarrah’s playthrough was partially documented on Twitter before I started writing regularly WordPress posts about her, I created a bunch of backdated posts that link off to those Twitter threads. Which let me use the same tags on them that I did on all later posts for Alarrah and the playthroughs since. It also let me format Alarrah’s page the same way the others are done.
  2. All playthrough pages now have character pics, and a bit more information about each character, such as their backstories and where their names came from.
  3. All screenshot galleries are now moved off to their own standalone pages, for the sake of cutting down on general page length for any given page.
  4. This site has its own WordPress theme. The one I’m using is called Ashe Pro, which I liked well enough to pay for, since it has a lot of nifty customization options.

All future playthrough posts will be posted to this site rather than to

I have also set up this site to crosspost to Dreamwidth, so Dreamwidth friends, you should still see my posts coming over. Please let me know if they look weird.

I hope you all like this setup!

As Angela Highland, Angela is the writer of the Rebels of Adalonia epic fantasy series with Carina Press. As Angela Korra'ti, she writes the Free Court of Seattle urban fantasy series. She's also an amateur musician and devoted fan of Newfoundland and Quebecois traditional music.