This is the main landing page for all my Skyrim playthroughs, starting with Alarrah in 2021 and clear up to Shenner and Faanshi, whose playthroughs are still ongoing.
Here are all the links off to my various Skyrim playthroughs. Each playthrough page will link off to all the posts and screenshots that feature that character.
Individual playthrough and screenshot pages are also available off the site menu.
These playthroughs are ones still considered current, although at this point I’m only actively playing one of them. Kendeshel, Elessir, and Finds-The-Way are all done, though I need to finish doing their posts. The Skyrim Together playthrough is on hiatus until further notice.

And here are all my older playthroughs! Kendeshel, Elessir, and Finds will move down to this section when I’m done writing them up.

Tag Cloud
Here’s the tag cloud for all my Skyrim posts. Most of these tags are locations featured in the game, but some are significant characters, such as named dragons, faction leaders, Jarls, etc.