In Which Elessir Thwarts an Assassination in Raven Rock
In which Elessir recovers a misplaced Ancient Nordic Pickaxe; discovers what happened to a long-dead miner in Raven Rock Mine; finds the Bloodskal Blade; kills a dragon priest and discovers a Black Book; slays an undead general at Fort Frostmoth; agrees to help an entrepreneur trying to excavate Kolbjorn Barrow; helps uncover an assassination plot against Councilor Morvayn; and is awarded citizenship in Raven Rock and Severin Manor.
In Which Finds-The-Way Slays an Undead General
In which Finds-The-Way hires a Dunmer mercenary to watch her back on Solstheim; kills ash spawn for Captain Veleth at Old Attius Farm; slays the undead General Falx Carius at Fort Frostmoth; and agrees to do some spying on behalf of Adril Arano, who suspects assassins are targeting Councilor Morvayn.
In Which Nona Finds More Friends But Not the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller
In which Nona is ambushed in Solitude and unable to keep her follower Aviendha from being kidnapped; fails to find the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller in Ustengrav; meets the scholar Lucien and agrees to let him join her group; rescues the mercenary Gore from a beartrap; takes out bandits at Bilegulch Mine for the Jarl of Falkreath; meets an arrogant Khajiit warrior seeking to learn the Stance of Arkay; meets Barbas the Daedra dog and agrees to help him rejoin his master, Clavicus Vile; further explores the ruined Helgen; and retrieves Nettlebane from Orphan Rock.
In Which Kendeshel Masters Conjuration and Finds the Aetherium Forge
In which Kendeshel cleanses her fellow Companion Farkas of his wolf blood; finds the final aetherium shard in Raldbthar; finds the Aetherium Forge, and bids farewell to the ghost of Katria; slays a vicious horker near Windhelm; finds the Oghma Infinium and gains knowledge from it; and masters the school of Conjuration magic.
In Which Elessir Slays Some Mudcrabs and Heads to Solstheim
In which Elessir finds rare fish, a Dwemer fishing rod, and enchanted axes; cooks a seafood feast; fights off an attack of frenzied mudcrabs near Dawnstar; and heads to Solstheim, to hunt down the mysterious Miraak who's trying to kill him.
In Which Finds-The-Way Goes to Solstheim
In which Finds-The-Way discovers a Word of Power in Shriekwind Bastion; helps Viriya get set up as a merchant in Riften; travels to Solstheim in search of clues about Miraak; recovers an Ancient Nord Pickaxe; and helps Crescius Caerellius prove how his great-grandfather died in Bloodskal Barrow.
In Which Nona Signs On With the Dragonborn Gallery
In which Nona brings three relics back to the Dragonborn Gallery, and signs on as Auryen's relic hunter; and gets access to the museum's Safehouse as living space in Solitude while she's at it.
In Which Finds-The-Way Slays Harkon and Also a Bunch of Mudcrabs
In which Finds-The-Way slays Harkon at Castle Volkihar; returns to the Soul Cairn to tell Valerica she can come home; takes rare fish to Swims-In-Deep-Water; recovers artifacts from the Forgotten Vale and Bronze Water Cave; fights off an attack of frenzied mudcrabs in Dawnstar; and helps Viriya build a merchant stall in Riften.
In Which Kendeshel Acquires Mehrunes’ Razor
In which Kendeshel acquires an incriminating letter out of Erikur's house, and pays off his sister Gisli to acquire an important deed; fights Silus at the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon, and claims Mehrunes' Razor; and wipes out a secret cult in Dawnstar.
In Which Elessir Forges the Aetherial Crown
In which Elessir meets the ghost of Katria in Arkngthamz; helps Katria recover aetherium shards, and quests into Raldbthar for the final one; brings more fish to Swims-In-Deep-Water; kills a lot of dragons but also a lot of mudcrabs; and forges an Aetherial Crown with Katria at the Aetherium Forge.