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All galleries on Anna Plays Skyrim are now restored!

As of right now, I can finally proclaim that the great restoration effort of the galleries on Anna Plays Skyrim is now COMPLETE.

All galleries that were impacted by the downgrade of my gallery plugin have now been reconstructed–which basically meant, every single gallery for Merawen’s playthrough forward. This was a total of 576 galleries reviewed. One of them I actually deleted because I didn’t see it actually used anywhere on the site, which leaves me with a total of 575 galleries.

Since I had to do a sweep through most of those galleries anyway, I also took the time to do some tweaking of metadata, and did the following things:

  1. Since I discovered that the metadata for all the pics could take HTML, where I spotted it, I changed use of underscores to actual italics tags. I don’t think I got them all but I did get a lot of them.
  2. One gallery was missing captions entirely so I wrote some up for those pics on the spot. Every single gallery of screenshots should now have title and caption text.
  3. For one of Gyllerah’s galleries, I saw that two pics were in the wrong gallery, so I moved them over to the correct one.
  4. And for the most recent gallery for Finds-The-Way, a pic from those play sessions was actually left out, so I added that in.

Also, since all of this work involved pulling each and every screenshot into the site’s media library in WordPress, I now know exactly how many graphics I have total on the site. Answer: 5,761. (Including screenshots of Vortex and other tools on my Steam Deck or VM, as well as pics resulting from manipulation of screenshots to get character pics or page headers.) This number will, of course, start going up again once I resume active play.

So now I can get back to posting actual content on this site–and get caught up on playthrough posts! I do have a backlog of playthrough notes I want to work through before I resume actually playing stuff. Stand by for at least one new post for Kendeshel to go up today!

And once again, shoutout to folks on Mastodon who gave me pointers about how to use WP-CLI to do WordPress administrative tasks at the command line, and also some ideas about how to process my metadata JSON files in scripts. This whole effort has taught me how to use WP-CLI and also a tool called jq, to process JSON in a Linux command line! Which might even be a useful thing to know for JSON purposes.

As Angela Highland, Angela is the writer of the Rebels of Adalonia epic fantasy series with Carina Press. As Angela Korra'ti, she writes the Free Court of Seattle urban fantasy series. She's also an amateur musician and devoted fan of Newfoundland and Quebecois traditional music.