In Which Kendeshel Cleanses the Soul of Kodlak Whitemane
Swinging back around for a short catchup post for Kendeshel’s playthrough in Skyrim, now! This one’s very short, and just covers a bit of Kendeshel finishing off the main Companions questline to the point of her becoming Harbinger.
Play by play
- Play date: 9/30/2024
- Session number in this run: 45
- Picked up again on the Dev Aveza
- Airshipped to the college and then set out to Ysgramor’s Tomb
- Found the Talos shrine where Ilas-Tei had died, and got the ring from there
- Prayed at the shrine and got prompted to follow Talos, but declined (still Team Julianos!)
- Read the Alteration skill book there (Breathing Water) and got a bump in that skill
- Leveled up to 64; took Stamina bump and final bump to Agile Defender in Light Armor
- Reached Ysgramor’s Tomb
- Talked to Vilkas just inside and got his tip to leave Wuuthrad with Ysgramor’s statue
- Also got his bowing out of going any further into the tomb
- Proceeded until Farkas also bowed out
- Found a Nordic excavation site partway in
- Read Two-handed skill book (The Legendary City of Sancre Tor)
- Reached the burial chamber and spoke to the ghost of Kodlak
- Slew Kodlak’s beast spirit to cleanse him of the wolf-blood
- Hurray! I’m Harbinger!
- Found a Shield of Ysgramor in the boss chest loot
- Followed up with the other Companions on the way out
- Then went out and got the Shout word for Animal Allegiance off the nearby Word Wall
- Airshipped back to Solitude
- Dropped off a bunch of ruined books with Latoria
- Put Treasure Map XIII, the Shield of Ysgramor, and the Gauldur Blackbow up for display
- 27K in the Sales income strongbox, fuck yeah \0/
- Placed a Glenmoril witch head down in the Hall of Secrets
- Returned to Whiterun and talked to Farkas
- Picked up new radiant quest from him
- Then headed off to the Rift
- Ran Nilheim, including dealing with that treacherous bastard Telrav
- Returned to Sarethi Farm and gave Avrusa her Jazbay grapes
- Slept on board the Dev Aveza
- Stopped there until next time
Not a whole lot to get into, since this was a pretty short session and it mostly covered vanilla content. Not too much here that was specific to Legacy of the Dragonborn, just regular using of the airship, and putting stuff on display.
So I’ll just note that from a narrative perspective, I figure the visit to Ysgramor’s Tomb was likely to have made Kendeshel want to go ahead and lose her own wolf-blood, once she did it for Kodlak. Really, I think she should have gone ahead and cleansed herself at the time–but I didn’t think of that!
I’ll just therefore say that the idea was born at that point, even if it took her a bit to finally act on it.
Next time
Kendeshel’s next post will feature hitting Reachwater Rock to finish up the Gauldur amulet; visiting Dushnikh Yal to see about how I could get the Orc doll there for Auryen; proceeding to Arkngthamz to kick off Lost to the Ages; hitting Purewater Run to kick off the Remnants plot; hitting Dead Crone Rock to get the pommel of Mehrunes’ Razor; hitting Lost Valley Redoubt to recover Hrolfdir’s Shield for the Jarl of Markarth; and discovering Runoff Caverns.
Just one screenshot, but I kept this one because I kinda LOLed at Aela’s line I captured in a subtitle.