In Which Kendeshel Becomes Thane of Hjaalmarch
Getting caught up some more on my Kendeshel playthrough in Skyrim. This session is from early February, and features swinging back to address buggy behavior with Crowstooth and Alvarsorr the Rat; becoming thane of Hjaalmarch, getting Windstad Manor, and Valdimar as housecarl; and getting inducted into the Circle of the Companions.
Which means Kendeshel is now officially on Team Werewolf.
In Which Kendeshel Quests at Arcwind Point
And now, swinging back over to Kendeshel in Skyrim, as I work on more catchup posts! This is Kendeshel’s first session from February of this year.
This was a fairly low-key session, and mostly involved a lot of crafting and putting up stuff in the Dragonborn Gallery. But also the by now inevitable Solitude dragon, as well as running Arcwind Point and Varlais Caverns.
In Which Kendeshel Destroys the Dark Brotherhood and Excavates at Rkund
Back around to Kendeshel’s run in Skyrim. This is her last session from January, and I have two more sessions of hers after this one before I’m caught up.
In this one, main action is assorted side stuff from Anniversary Edition content; destroying the Dark Brotherhood, but picking up an extra side quest as a result of that, courtesy of Legacy of the Dragonborn; running Darklight Tower; and also, running the expedition at Rkund, significant Legacy content. Obviously, lots of spoilers here for the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod.
In Which Kendeshel Slays a Whole Lot of Vampires
Swinging back around finally to Kendeshel’s stalled playthrough in Skyrim! This session is from January 27th of this year, and features a lot of side questing to find items for Legacy of the Dragonborn; running the Laid to Rest plot in Morthal, and taking out the vampires in Movarth’s Lair; and claiming Bloodchill Manor, by way of taking out the vampires there, too.
In Which Kendeshel Gets Married and Fights Pirates
Back around to Skyrim now, as I’m finally in 2024 as I work through my backlog of playthrough posts. This one is for Kendeshel’s run, in early January, and features assorted side questing–and Kendeshel getting married to Rulnik Wind-Strider! And it’s a double session post because the session I did on the 5th was quite short.
In Which Kendeshel Explores the Ruins of Winterhold
Back to Kendeshel’s playthrough! After this one I have four more playthrough posts left for catching up on 2023, then I can work on getting caught up on 2024’s posts!
Main action here: running the Fall of Winterhold quest added in by Immersive College of Winterhold; taking out Tyra Blood-Fire, the Seducers bandits near Forsaken Cave, and the dragon Viinturuth; and doing a little light thievery on behalf of the East Empire Company in Windhelm.
In Which Kendeshel Goes Side Questing
And now, back to the Legacy of the Dragonborn playthrough, starring Kendeshel! This is another catchup post, since this session was run in mid-December.
Action covered in this post is an assortment of side quests, a couple of which are for the Wyrmstooth mod, so minor spoilers for that mod here.
Ongoing dragon spawn problem in Legacy of the Dragonborn run
Writing this post up outside the main playthrough posts for Kendeshel, just because this has continued to be a problem in her run, and I want to organize my thoughts about this.
This is a long-ish post, so slapping a More tag on this.
In Which Kendeshel Fights Warlocks on Wyrmstooth
Another Skyrim catchup post from mid-December. This one is Kendeshel’s playthrough, and features more action on Wyrmstooth! So by definition, there are spoilers here for that specific mod, though for side quests, not the mod’s main one.
In Which Kendeshel Fights Vampires and a Lich on Wyrmstooth
Trying to get caught up again on my Skyrim posts. Here’s another single-session post, this one for Kendeshel, mostly covering action on Wyrmstooth. As per several of her previous posts, be warned that this contains notable spoilers for a couple of side quests with the Wyrmstooth mod.