Marwyth Playthrough

Screenshot of Marwyth from the login screen of ESO. She is a Dunmer with short black hair streaked with blue, and odd translucent eyes. She is wearing dark blue and purple leather armor, and is carrying a bow and arrows on her back.
Playthrough Info
Game Elder Scrolls Online
Race Dark Elf
Class Nightblade
Playthrough Dates May 2023, in progress
Platform Steam Deck, macOS

This is the page for my second Elder Scrolls Online playthrough, for the character Marwyth of the Dark Elves.

I began this playthrough in May 2023. As with my Gyllerah playthrough, Marwyth’s run is primarily on the Steam Deck, but with action on the Mac if I want to run group activities with my Guilds, or if I just feel like being on the Mac instead.

Marwyth is not my first Dunmer character, and I was originally going to name her Merawen after the Dunmer I ran in Skyrim. However, somebody had taken that name on ESO already. So I went to Marwyth instead–which means this character is actually named after the same character in my Rebels of Adalonia books that Merawen was named after, since Merawen was that character’s original name, and she was called Marwyth later.

Marwyth is a stealth archer, an archetype I love to play in Skyrim, and one of my main goals with her was to get better with the bow in ESO. This has become Marwyth’s primary weapon. Also, I wanted to learn about the Nightblade class, and as Marwyth has developed, she’s shifted over from a magblade type to a stamblade.

I also do a lot of sneak with her, and shortly after I started her, I was able to buy the Thieves Guild DLC and let her join the Thieves Guild. So sneaking comes in very handy with her.

I was also gifted the Dark Brotherhood DLC, so that is now an option on the table for this character.

Marwyth’s Backstory

TBD. She may also already have a history of being at odds with the law in Morrowind, and possibly a bit of a heretic in regards to worship of the Tribunal.

Playthrough Posts

Here are all the posts about Marwyth’s playthrough! These are dynamically updated, so a new post should appear here when it goes up. They’re listed in descending date order, so the newest posts should always appear first. Also, note the pagination controls after the first five posts. You can page through to see the older ones.

  • In Which Marwyth Finishes Off February - 08/07/2024
    In which Marwyth quests into Karnwasten to rescue contacts for Battlereeve Tanerline; gets the leave of the Proxy Queen to speak to the Sapiarchs about protecting the Crystal Tower; and helps the Companions retake Fallowstone Hall in the Rift.
  • In Which Marwyth and the Thieves Guild Crash a Wedding - 08/06/2024
    In which Marwyth hunts for Psijic artifacts and time breaches on Summerset; unmasks a Canonreeve's son as a cultist; joins forces with her friends in the Thieves Guild to crash a wedding and unmask the mysterious Cosh; rescues Guildmaster Zeira from No Shira Citadel; re-binds a necromancer's ghost into her dead body at the Direnni Acropolis; and rescues the psyche of the Ritemaster from the Sea Sload K'Tora.
  • In Which Marwyth Goes to Summerset - 07/25/2024
    In which Marwyth investigates a Daedric ritual in Shimmerene; rescues a Kinlady from a treacherous Aldarch; helps Mirri Elendis find her missing mother; recovers the Amulet of Kings; helps a Clockwork Apostle with reassembling a factotum, and another one with protecting the Mnemonic Planisphere; and locates the Augur of the Obscure, to help the Psijic Order close time breaches all over Tamriel.
  • In Which Marwyth Quests for Crows - 07/04/2024
    In which Marwyth defeats mercenaries in Garlas Agea; helps a son find his missing father in Crow's Wood, while also gathering tributes for the Blackfeather Court; defeats Veiled Heritance operatives in Naril Nagaia; and quests again for the Blackfeather Court, this time in Clockwork City.
  • In Which Marwyth Saves Sotha Sil and Clockwork City - 06/08/2024
    In which Marwyth brings about the capture of a rogue chancellor in Clockwork City; gains the favor of the Blackfeather Court to recover the Skeleton Key; defeats the Shadow of Sotha Sil, and frees the real Sotha Sil from imprisonment; and is warned by Sotha Sil that the Daedric threat is not over.


Marwyth’s screenshot galleries can be found on the Marwyth Screenshots page.