Nona Playthrough

Playthrough Info
Game Skyrim AE with Tuxborn Modpack
Race Imperial
Playthrough Dates Started 11/11/2024
Platform Steam Deck
Language English
Difficulty Novice

This is the page for my Skyrim playthrough for the character Nona, wandering Imperial.

Nona’s playthrough has as its major goal running the Tuxborn modpack, which is a Wabbajack-based load order explicitly assembled with the Steam Deck in mind! It is a huge load order, nearly 1,600 mods, and as such will also include a whole lot of mods I’d already had my eye on, conveniently rounded up in one place.

Those interested can find more information on Tuxborn on its Github page.

Note that I am kicking the difficulty back down to Novice for Nona’s run. This is because Tuxborn does a huge set of changes to how combat works in Skyrim, including making fighting a lot more difficult in general. I am not yet versed with all the changes it’s doing. So Novice difficulty it is! (Though I may adjust this later as the playthrough proceeds.)

This will also be my second attempt at a Legacy of the Dragonborn playthrough, since Tuxborn features v6 of that mod, and my prior character running Legacy (Kendeshel) is using v5.

And last but not least, this character started with the intention of being take two of my failed Harrowhark playthrough. The idea was going to be, making her a necromancer, and possibly also a vampire. Tuxborn includes Sacrosanct, a lightweight vampire mod, which ups my interest in taking another crack at that.

As anyone familiar with the Locked Tomb series of books by Tamsyn Muir will likely guess right away, Nona, like Harrowhark, is named for a major character in that series. Astute readers will also see right away how I’ll be playing Nona as compared to Harrowhark!

However, as Nona’s playthrough has proceeded, the likelihood of her turning into a necromancer or vampire has ebbed. So there will probably be a take three of a vampire/necromancer playthrough, maybe when Tuxborn 1.0 happens? We’ll see!

Nona’s Backstory

Ah, now that’s going to be the tricky part.

Tuxborn includes Alternate Start, and I’ll be starting Nona’s playthrough with the option that lets you start off with having been attacked and left for dead. I’m going to take that as an excuse to have Nona start off entirely amnesiac. So she won’t even remember her own background!

(Which is probably for the best, given that she’ll also have had some version of the same background I gave to Harrow. Muahaha.)

Playthrough Posts

Here are all the posts about Nona’s playthrough! These are dynamically updated, so a new post should appear here when it goes up. They’re listed in descending date order, so the newest posts should always appear first. Also, note the pagination controls after the first five posts. You can page through to see the older ones.

  • In Which Nona Finds More Friends But Not the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller - 02/09/2025
    In which Nona is ambushed in Solitude and unable to keep her follower Aviendha from being kidnapped; fails to find the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller in Ustengrav; meets the scholar Lucien and agrees to let him join her group; rescues the mercenary Gore from a beartrap; takes out bandits at Bilegulch Mine for the Jarl of Falkreath; meets an arrogant Khajiit warrior seeking to learn the Stance of Arkay; meets Barbas the Daedra dog and agrees to help him rejoin his master, Clavicus Vile; further explores the ruined Helgen; and retrieves Nettlebane from Orphan Rock.
  • In Which Nona Signs On With the Dragonborn Gallery - 01/29/2025
    In which Nona brings three relics back to the Dragonborn Gallery, and signs on as Auryen's relic hunter; and gets access to the museum's Safehouse as living space in Solitude while she's at it.
  • In Which Nona Kills a Dragon, Alik’r Warriors, and Bandits - 01/14/2025
    In which Nona aids a Redguard refugee in Whiterun and takes out the Alik'r warriors hunting her, at Swindler's Den; escorts Aviendha back to Riverwood, and meets the Aes Sedai Moraine; slays a bandit leader at the Silent Moons Camp, and finds a relic there for Auryen; buys Breezehome in Whiterun; visits Riften; and recovers a second relic for Auryen at Broken Helm Hollow.
  • Fic: Courtship Doesn’t Work Like That - 01/11/2025
    Interrupting my playthrough posts for Nona's Tuxborn run with a surprise outburst of fic--because I have some issues with how a conversation with one of the custom followers went. And this is my pulling a better narrative out of the entire encounter. Have a read to see how Nona really doesn't take well to Aviendha trying very hard to matchmake on behalf of Ysolda!
  • In Which Nona Meets the Greybeards and Various Khajiit - 12/30/2024
    In which Nona treks up the Throat of the World to High Hrothgar; is tested by the Greybeards to confirm she is Dragonborn; upsets a Khajiit deeply when she reports the number of steps leading up the mountain; investigates the secrets of Shroud Hearth Barrow; clashes with some suspicious Baandari; discovers a strange talking shell in a deserted, hidden house; and signs on as the relic hunter of the Dragonborn Gallery.