In Which Elessir Slays Alduin in Sovngarde
In which Elessir becomes Guild Master of the Thieves Guild; brings about a peace council between the Imperials and the Stormcloaks at High Hrothgar; solves a rash of murders in Windhelm; forces the Blades to stand down from insisting he kill Paathurnax; traps the dragon Odahviing at Dragonsreach, then lets Odahviing fly him to Skuldafn; quests through Skuldafn into Sovngarde; slays Alduin the World-Eater; and adopts a child after his return to Whiterun.
In Which Finds-The-Way Quests Through the Soul Cairn
In which Finds-The-Way infiltrates Castle Volkihar with Serana; finds Serana's mother Valerica's hidden laboratory; activates a portal to the Soul Cairn; finds a dead saint's lost writing, and the soul of a dead horse; finds Valerica and reunites her with Serana; slays the undead dragon Durnehviir... temporarily; escapes the Soul Cairn; returns to Fort Dawnguard, and discovers that the Moth Priest Dexion has gone blind.
A review about followers available in Tuxborn
While I work on getting caught up on my main playthrough posts, here's a roundup so far of my thoughts on followers available in the Tuxborn modpack for Skyrim. LOTS of interesting followers, but I can't run them all, so I've had to cut down on the number of active followers I have! This post is a roundup of what followers I've tried so far, who's made the cut to remain an active follower, and who hasn't.
ESO catchup post: Veghra in late March
In which Veghra thwarts the attempt of the Bloodthorn cult to take over Glenumbra; aids several small towns in Glenumbra in dispelling curses, fighting off cultists, and fighting off bandits; begins questing into Stormhaven, where she fights attempts by Vaermina cultists to take over vulnerable people in positions of power; and helps clear Daedric and cultist assaults on local farms.
ESO catchup post: Marwyth in the rest of March
In which Marwyth improves as a DPS character in ESO; closes time breaches and recovers pieces of the Staff of Towers for the Psijic Order; quests through the Rift in support of the Ebonheart Pact; and clears the College of Sapiarchs on Summerset of attacking Daedra.
Mod review: Carved Brink (with spoilers)
Since I have concluded playing the mod Carved Brink in my ongoing Tuxborn playthrough, here's a review post about that. Picoreview: very mixed bag. Gorgeous visuals and a fun travel mechanic, but a plot I found ultimately weak and unsatisfying. Post contains spoilers for the mod, so read with caution if you haven't played it yet.
ESO catchup post: Gyllerah in March
Varying up my usual posting format because I'm so super behind on doing my playthrough posts. This one is an overall summary of everything Gyllerah did in Elder Scrolls Online for most of the month of March. Most significantly, features finishing off the Wrothgar plot and running Maelstrom Arena for the first time!
In Which Nona Finds a Dragonstone and Fights a Dragon
In which Nona recovers the Dragonstone and a lost golden dragon claw from Bleak Falls Barrow; is tasked to help fight an attacking dragon at Whiterun's western watchtower; slays the dragon Mirmulnir and is revealed as Dragonborn; is given a thaneship in Whiterun; and is assigned a very cantankerous Lydia to be her housecarl.
In Which Finds-The-Way Quests for the Dawnguard
In which Finds-The-Way rescues Serana from Dimhollow Crypt; declines her father's offer to become a vampire; recruits Sorine and Gunmar for the Dawnguard; rescues the Moth Priest Dexion; rescues Florentius from Ruunvald; recovers a sword and a schematic from Mzinchaleft; and returns to Castle Volkihar to search for Serana's mother.
In Which Kendeshel Slays the Glenmoril Coven
In which Kendeshel recovers another piece of the Gauldur amulet; retrieves a piece of Wuuthrad from Broken Helm Hollow; wipes out the Glenmoril coven of hagravens by the orders of Kodlak Whitemane; discovers Kodlak has been slain by the Silver Hand; wipes out the Silver Hand at Driftshade Refuge; and attends Kodlak's funeral in Whiterun.