In Which Ysani is Challenged to a Duel
In which Ysani finds a Word of Power in Shriekwind Bastion; fights off a hostile mage who challenges her to a duel in Whiterun; finds the missing books for the mage college in Fellglow Keep; and slays the dragon at Mount Anthor.
In Which Ysani Seeks the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller and Becomes Thane of Falkreath
In which Ysani clears Treva's Watch of bandits; in which she is named thane of Falkreath; in which she seeks the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller in Ustengrav; and in which she is recruited for the Thieves Guild in Riften.
In Which Ysani Acquires Dawnbreaker and Journeys into the Rift
In which Ysani cleanses Meridia's temple and gains the sword Dawnbreaker; in which she returns Barbas and the Rueful Axe to Clavicus Vile and gains Vile's Masque; and in which she seeks the favor of the people of Falkreath.
In Which Ysani Begins Daedric Quests
In which Ysani meets a highly unusual dog just outside Falkreath, and agrees to reunite him with his master; in which she retrieves the Rueful Axe; and in which she is commanded by Meridia to cleanse her temple at Kilreath.
In Which Ysani Fights Bandits, Spriggans, and a Dragon
In which Ysani travels through Falkreath and Whiterun, and fights bandits, spriggans, and a dragon; and in which she gains the good favor of the Jarl of Falkreath.
In Which Ysani Joins the College of Winterhold
In which Ysani discovers another word for a Shout in Shroud Hearth Barrow; in which she battles another dragon at the watchtower; and in which she joins the College of Winterhold.
In Which Ysani Goes to the Greybeards
In which Ysani heeds the summons of the Greybeards, and journeys with her new housecarl Lydia to the Throat of the World; and in which Ysani begins to investigate the allegedly haunted barrow near Ivarstead.
In Which Ysani Fights Her First Dragon
In which Ysani escapes Bleak Falls Barrow and returns to Whiterun--only to get the biggest shock of her life when she's called upon to help fight off a dragon attack that reveals that she is Dragonborn.
In Which Ysani Goes to Whiterun and Bleak Falls Barrow
In which Ysani brings the word of the Helgen attack to Whiterun; and in which she ventures into Bleak Falls Barrow in search of the Dragonstone, as well as a stolen Golden Claw.
Final Thoughts on Delga’s Skyrim Run
The final post for Delga's Skyrim run, doing a roundup of my various thoughts about various aspects of it. Includes two videos, with a sweep through her stats and skills!