Shenner Playthrough

Playthrough Info
Game Skyrim Anniversary Edition
Race Nord
Playthrough Dates 5/17-11/19/2022
Platform PC, Steam Deck
Language English
Difficulty Adept

This is the page for my sixth Skyrim playthrough, for the character Shenner of the Nords, played more or less concurrently with the playthrough for Faanshi of the Khajiit.

I began this playthrough not long after starting to play Faanshi. And unlike all my previous playthroughs, the main difference here is that it didn’t start on the Nintendo Switch. I got Skyrim running on my old PC, an HP Elitebook that dates back to 2012 and which has an Intel HD 4000 graphics card in it.

The game is barely playable on this box, playable enough that I proceeded with Shenner’s playthrough, and documented what challenges I’m finding with that in conjunction with the opportunity to finally use mods and run the Anniversary Edition!

But happily, I then acquired a Steam Deck, as well as my new M1 Mac, with a Windows 11 VM on it, and I used those to continue Shenner’s playthrough to completion.

Shenner was also my first Nord alt, and named after a character I played for a few years on Star Wars MUSH. That character was a brash redhead, which I tried to recreate with this version.

Shenner’s Backstory

Pretty bare-boned backstory overall, since when I started Shenner, I didn’t expect to get far with her.

Her rough backstory, though, was this. She had a sister who went to Cyrodiil to get married, and Shenner journeyed down there for the wedding. But she was extremely dubious about her sister’s husband, and all the more so as she discovered the man was an abusive asshat. She publicly confronted him, and by “confronted”, I mean, “damn near killed him in public for daring to lay a hand on her sister.”

Shenner was called off, however, by her sister. And only then did she learn that her sister had ambitions to raise her social station, and was absolutely using her husband as a stepping stone on her way up out of their family’s prior rural existence in Skyrim.

Rejected by her sister, Shenner angrily set out to return home–only to be captured at the border and accused of killing her sister’s husband. Little did she know that her sister had in fact killed the guy, and spread the word that Shenner had done it instead, as the most likely suspect.

Playthrough Posts

Here are all the posts about Shenner’s playthrough! These are dynamically updated, so a new post should appear here when it goes up. They’re listed in descending date order, so the newest posts should always appear first. Also, note the pagination controls after the first five posts. You can page through to see the older ones.

  • In Which Shenner Goes Bandit Hunting - 05/25/2022
    In which Shenner hunts bandits, first near the Guardian Stones, and then at Bilegulch Mine by the directive of the Jarl of Falkreath.
  • In Which Shenner Visits the Greybeards and Acquires Silver Armor - 05/23/2022
    In which Shenner visits the Greybeards, quests through Shroud Hearth Barrow, and acquires a set of Silver Armor; and in which her player further experiments with mods and FPS.
  • In Which Shenner Goes to High Hrothgar - 05/22/2022
    In which Shenner slays bandits at Silent Moon Camp for a bounty in Whiterun; has a look at a homestead for sale outside the city; and sets out for Ivarstead to answer the summons of the Greybeards.
  • In Which Shenner is Revealed as the Dragonborn - 05/22/2022
    In which Shenner returns the Dragonstone to Whiterun, only to be pulled into a fight with an attacking dragon at the nearby watchtower; in which she is summoned by the Greybeards; and in which she recovers a sword from White River Watch.
  • In Which Shenner Recovers the Dragonstone - 05/20/2022
    In which Shenner finds the Dragonstone in Bleak Falls Barrow--along with a mysterious carved wall that reacts _very_ strongly to her presence.


Shenner’s screenshot galleries can be found on the Shenner Screenshots page.