In Which Kendeshel Explores the Ruins of Winterhold
In which Kendeshel delves into the old ruins of Winterhold and uncovers secrets about the Great Collapse; slays the dragon Kahvozein and the dragon priest Beinaarkh; wipes out the Seducers bandits near Forsaken Cave; and slays the dragon Viinturuth.
In Which Kendeshel Goes Side Questing
In which Kendeshel does favors of the mercenaries of Wyrmstooth by stealing a necklace, recovering a sword, and confronting a Nord who reneged on a debt; kills a Forsworn leader for the Jarl of Markarth; helps a hagraven in Blind Cliff Cave; and takes out the Saints bandits near Karthwasten.
In Which Finds-The-Way Quests for the Guild, the Fishery, and the Brotherhood
In which Finds-The-Way acquires the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal; continues thieving for the Thieves Guild; joins the Dark Brotherhood and carries out her first few contracts; slays a threatening horker near Windhelm; investigates Faldar's Tooth and Yngvild; recovers the Helm of Winterhold, and becomes thane of Winterhold; and takes control of Bloodchill Manor.
In Which Finds-The-Way Finally Finds the Dark Brotherhood
In which Finds-The-Way learns how to find an Elder Scroll from a mad mage; slays a wave of frenzied mudcrabs in Dawnstar; is kidnapped by the Dark Brotherhood, and then invited to join them; recovers a lost clan sword from Silverdrift Lair; slays a treacherous Argonian in Ironbind Barrow; and takes out the Summerset Shadows to win access for the Thieves Guild in Windhelm.
In Which Elessir Rescues a Vampire and a Moth Priest
In which Elessir investigates Dimhollow Crypt and frees the vampire Serana; escorts her home to Castle Volkihar; acquires Iron Plate armor after killing the Thalmor who'd claimed it; recruits Sorine and Gunmar for the Dawnguard; begins acquiring schematics for Sorine; and rescues the Moth Priest Dexion Evicus.
In Which Finds-The-Way Slays Mercer Frey and Adopts Some Daughters
In which Finds-The-Way slays a dragon near Battle-Born Farm, and a giant at Tumble Arch Pass; confronts and slays Mercer Frey in Irkngthand; returns the Skeleton Key to the Twilight Sepulcher; adopts Lucia and Sofie as her new daughters; acquires the sword Dawnfang and Duskfang, and the Ring of Masser; and slays the bandit Tyra Blood-Fire.
In Which Elessir Becomes Thane of Hjaalmarch and the Pale
In which Elessir slays a Thalmor assassin, and the dragon Vuljotnaak; investigates the activity of Mythic Dawn cultists at Rielle; retrieves the fragments of Geirmund's amulet, and the sword called both Dawnfang and Duskfang; acquires Bloodchill Manor after vanquishing vampires there; and becomes thane of both Hjaalsmarch and the Pale, after aiding Morthal with a vampire problem and Dawnstar with a giant problem.
In Which Kendeshel Becomes Thane of the Pale and Saves Esbern from the Thalmor
In which Kendeshel slays a bandit leader; saves Dawnstar from nightmares; agrees to seek the pieces of Mehrunes' Razor; retrieves ironwood fruit to save a dying man; becomes thane of the Pale, and acquires land for Heljarchen Hall; retrieves Azura's Star; infiltrates the Thalmor Embassy; and saves Esbern from the Ratway.
In Which Finds-The-Way Becomes Arch-Mage, and Thane of Hjaalmarch and the Pale
In which Finds-The-Way recovers the Staff of Magnus and uses it to slay Ancano, and save the College of Winterhold; quests into Runoff Caverns to shut down a malfunctioning Dwemer weather machine; battles necromancers at Fort Snowhawk; discovers why a house burned down in Morthal, and stops a vampire plot; kills a giant for the Jarl of Dawnstar; and becomes thane of both Hjaalsmarch and the Pale.
In Which Kendeshel Hunts a Mysterious Criminal and Lost Relic Hunting Tools
In which Kendeshel is hired to track down a mysterious criminal wanted in Morrowind; aids the village of Little Vivec; tracks her quarry to Kagrenar, only to find that he was not at all what she expected; discovers a hidden room in the Dragonborn Gallery; retrieves a powerful staff from Brittleshin Pass, and a highly useful backpack at Shriekwind Bastion; and is attacked by assassins at her own house in Whiterun. This post contains significant spoilers for the Moon and Star mod, as well as minor spoilers for Legacy of the Dragonborn. Read with caution.