Experimenting with running Skyrim on my MacBook Pro
First of probably at least a couple of posts describing my experimentation with getting a modded Skyrim working on my M1 MacBook Pro. using Wine. Describes experimenting with the Whisky app as well as a trial version of Crossover. Findings so far: Skyrim itself works, but modding is going to be a challenge! MO2 works, but not so much on Vortex or Wabbajack. Recommendations from informed parties are welcome.
Shell script to copy addon files off my Steam Deck
One more quality of life improvement for my new Steam Deck: setting up a way to easily and quickly copy files for my ESO addons off the Deck and over onto the computer, for those times when I want to play on computer instead of the Deck. Possibly of interest to any other ESO players who play on more than one device.