Writ of Sealing
This is a transcription of the note called “Writ of Sealing”, which you can acquire if you’re running the Fall of Winterhold quest added to Skyrim by the Immersive College of Winterhold mod. I’ve provided this transcription because the note in the quest is in a very small font, which makes it difficult to read.
Be bound here, Beinaarkh, traitor, defiler.
Condemned by your crimes against god and brother.
May the horrors you wrought be forgotten forever.
May no foul servant of evil come hither.
Be bound here, Beinaarkh, murderer, betrayer.
Bled by Nofur in life and death.
Forever separate from beloved kin.
Corrupt none will thine foul breath!
Here is a screenshot of the Writ of Sealing, as taken during my Skyrim playthrough with this mod, on my Steam Deck.