And now, time for some screen caps off the Switch!
May 22, 2021/
Twitter thread from 5/22/2021, in which I share some screencaps off the Switch for both Skyrim and Animal Crossing.
And now, time for some screen caps off the Switch!
5:25 PM · May 22, 2021
Upper left: near the hamlet of Dragon Bridge, named for generally obvious reasons. 😀
Upper left: the court of Jarl Elisif in Solitude, while headmaster Viarmo of the Bards College presents King Olaf’s Verse to her.
5:27 PM · May 22, 2021
Lower left: another example of nifty nighttime sky shots. Skyrim’s designers CLEARLY loved night skies.
Lower right: NOT Skyrim, obviously! This is Wayfound’s current outfit in Animal Crossing, which makes her TOTALLY look like she’s about to run off in the TARDIS.
5:27 PM · May 22, 2021
(And now I totally want to see Animal Crossing versions of all the Doctors. :D)
5:28 PM · May 22, 2021
Editing to add
This post was written on 3/18/2022, but is backdated to the time of the tweet thread for organizational purposes.
10/2/2024: Reconstructed the original Twitter thread locally, since I deleted my Twitter account. Also, the tweet where I’d described the pic of Elisif’s court said “upper left” when I clearly meant “upper right”. Keeping the original mistake, though, since that was in fact what I’d tweeted.
10/3/2024: Fixed timestamps on the reconstructed tweets, since they were in GMT and I needed to convert them to PDT.
As Angela Highland, Angela is the writer of the Rebels of Adalonia epic fantasy series with Carina Press. As Angela Korra'ti, she writes the Free Court of Seattle urban fantasy series. She's also an amateur musician and devoted fan of Newfoundland and Quebecois traditional music.