Posts pertaining to play for the Dragonborn DLC
In Which Faanshi Defeats Ahzidal, Miraak and Alduin
As predicted, I spent another couple of sessions finishing up Faanshi’s playthrough so I could free the Switch for running Survival Mode! This therefore is Faanshi’s last session post, covering both of the sessions I did with her.
Main actions in this pair of sessions: defeating Miraak in Apocrypha, Ahzidal in Kolbjorn Barrow, and Alduin in Sovngarde!
In Which Faanshi Does More Side Questing
Another double session post, in which I’m basically finishing up the most critical things to do on Solstheim before I go after Miraak. Main actions: clearing White Ridge Barrow and Benkongerike, and getting both of the Black Books there; and also, clearing Vahlok’s Tomb.
In Which Faanshi Gains a Hoard and Some Stalhrim
Back over to my Faanshi playthrough on the Switch, where I got some more side questing on Solstheim out of the way to try to clear Faanshi’s queue so I can get her finished up. Main action: next round of Kolbjorn Barrow; getting the Deathbrand hoard; getting the bonemold formula for Glover; and fighting a dragon at Raven Rock. And Serana resurrecting things all over the place, because this is what happens when you travel with a vampire necromancer.
In Which Faanshi Signs On With the Rieklings
Double session post here, since the two of them flowed well into one another, and the second session started by re-doing action I lost at the end of the first. Main things done here were resolving three side quests, A New Source of Stalhrim, The Chief of Thirsk Hall, and More Than You Can Chew. And for the latter two in particular, since I voted for Team Riekling in the Thirsk Hall plot, it means Faanshi is arguably in good with two different riekling tribes!
In Which Faanshi Fights Pirates and Thalmor
Meanwhile, back in Faanshi’s playthrough, I got in some side questing on Solstheim! Mix of AE stuff and older stuff here.
In Which Faanshi Finds the Black Book of Nchardak
And just because I have been kind of neglecting my playthrough on the Switch, I wanted to make a point of getting back to Faanshi and her playthrough! Main action: going to Tel Mithryn, clearing the Sun Stone, hitting Nchardak for its Black Book–and getting the ultimatum from Hermaeus Mora.
In Which Faanshi Discovers Miraak’s Hold on Solstheim
ESO has really been dominating my gaming time now that I’ve started playing it, because it’s the cool new kid in my gaming town. But I did jump back to Skyrim a bit, because I don’t want to abandon my playthroughs in progress! So I moved the Dragonborn plotline a little further along with my Khajiit Faanshi on the Switch.
In Which Faanshi Ventures to Kolbjorn Barrow and Miraak’s Temple
The big news item with this session of Faanshi’s is that Nintendo dropped a surprise release of the Anniversary Edition to the Switch! And I did of course buy it, so now Faanshi’s playthrough actually has access to the AE content, woo!
Meanwhile, she went to check out Kolbjorn Barrow, and then Miraak’s temple.
In Which Faanshi Makes an Impact in Raven Rock
Very busy session, in which I did all of the general “establish myself in Raven Rock” plots, which gave me access to Severin Manor. So, running the plot for the mine, taking out Falx Carius at Fort Frostmoth, and foiling the plot to assassinate Councilor Morvayn!
In Which Shenner Defeats Miraak in Apocrypha
I went ahead with the rough plan to go ahead and take out Miraak before finishing off my various other actions on Solstheim. Partly to switch it up for once, and partly because it kind of felt appropriate this time through, as part of Shenner’s version of the “help the island of Solstheim” narrative.
But that was the main action! The rest was going to Fahlbtharz to reforge Trueflame, clearing White Ridge Barrow, and taking care of more side quests at Tel Mithryn.