Main parent category for all posts about playing Skyrim
In Which Shenner Stops an Assassination and Finds Miraak’s Temple
In which Shenner thwarts an assassination attempt on Councillor Morvayn, and is granted citizenship in Raven Rock and Severin Manor; and in which she quests into Miraak's temple with the help of Frea of the Skaal.
In Which Shenner Invades Fort Frostmoth and Reopens Raven Rock Mine
In which Shenner clears ash spawn from the tomb in the Temple of the Reclamations; helps Captain Veleth with additional ash spawn problems, and slays an undead general; recovers a valuable book; and finds the truth about what happened to Graetian Caerellius in Bloodskal Barrow.
In Which Faanshi Becomes Mora’s Champion and Adopts a Daughter
In which Faanshi adopts the flower girl Sofie from Windhelm; acquires the knowledge of the Oghma Infinium; and prepares to seek Auriel's Bow in the Forgotten Vale.
In Which Shenner Meets Hermaeus Mora and Goes to Solstheim
In which Shenner brings crimson nirnroot to Avrusa Sarethi; returns the runed Lexicon to Septimus Signus, and meets the Daedra Hermaeus Mora; and journeys to the island of Solstheim to seek information on the mysterious Miraak, whose cultists are trying to kill her.
In Which Faanshi Finds the Location of Auriel’s Bow and a Lot of Schematics
In which Faanshi learns the location of Auriel's Bow when she and Serana venture into Ancestor Glade; and in which Faanshi recovers several valuable schematics for Sorine of the Dawnguard.
In Which Shenner Quests Through Blackreach
In which Shenner quests through Blackreach; gathers crimson nirnroot; fights assorted Falmer, chaurus, and frost trolls; and recovers the Elder Scroll from the Tower of Mzark.
In Which Faanshi Rescues a Priest of Arkay
In which Faanshi recovers another schematic for Sorine Jurard; rescues the priest Florentius from Ruunvald; and learns that Dexion Evicus has gone blind, which will require a backup plan to read the Elder Scrolls she and Serana have acquired.
In Which Shenner Quests Through Raldbthar and Alftand
In which Shenner finds the final aetherium shard in Raldbthar, and then forges the Aetherial Crown; slays a dragon at Riften; learns the location of the Elder Scroll she needs; and quests into Alftand in search of it.
In Which Faanshi Escapes the Soul Cairn
In which Faanshi locates Serana's mother Valerica in the Soul Cairn; defeats and wins the respect of the dragon Durnehviir; and returns to Fort Dawnguard to bring word of the acquired Elder Scrolls and the first of Sorine's requested schematics.
In Which Shenner Quests into Raldbthar
In which Shenner recovers an aetherium shard at Deep Folk Crossing; confronts Thalmor at the camp of a dead Argonian; and quests into Raldbthar in search of the final shard.