Main parent category for all posts about playing Skyrim
In Which Merawen Hits the Goldenglow Estate for the Thieves Guild
In which Merawen successfully pulls off the Goldenglow Estate job for the Thieves Guild--and comes to the attention of Maven Black-Briar; and in which she takes out a couple more dragons, and a bunch of bandits and Alik'r warriors.
In Which Merawen Learns Who Took the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller
In which Merawen obtains the artifact weapon Dawnbreaker; learns who took the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, sees a dragon resurrected, and then kills him; recovers a lost sword for Amren in Whiterun; and gets Lydia at her back once more as they hunt Alik'r mercenaries.
In Which Merawen Fights Bandits, Draugr, and Another Dragon
In which Merawen fights more bandits; helps a Nord out by taking on a hostile necromancer in his family tomb; takes on another dragon at Eldersblood Peak; and finds a dog in the shack previously occupied by his now dead master.
In Which Merawen Has a Very Eventful Session
In which Merawen slays two more dragons and multiple bandits; helps a young adventurer and her Argonian friend clear a barrow, only to discover the friend has less than noble intentions; recovers a lost shield; and finally nabs the item for which Vex sent her to Solitude.
In Which Merawen Becomes a Thief
In which Merawen becomes a full member of the Thieves Guild, and sets out to take on her first real job; in which she faces bandits, wolves, and spiders on the road; and in which she sees direct evidence of anti-Dunmer prejudice in Windhelm.
In Which Merawen Flees to Riften
In which Merawen, furious that the search for the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller does NOT go as planned—and freaked out by this whole Dragonborn thing—orders her housecarl back to Whiterun; and in which she then flees first to Solitude, and then to Riften.
In Which Merawen Discovers Her Power
In which Merawen retrieves the Dragonstone and returns it to Whiterun, where she is immediately drafted into helping fight off a dragon attack at the Western Watchtower; in which Merawen is revealed as Dragonborn; and in which she is summoned to High Hrothgar to consult with the Greybeards. Also in which Merawen’s player plans out how the narrative that leads Merawen to the Thieves Guild is going to go!
In Which a New Dragonborn Arises
In which Merawen of the Dunmer escapes Helgen with the help of Ralof of the Stormcloaks; in which she goes to Whiterun to bring word to the Jarl that Riverwood is in need of aid; and in which she goes to Bleak Falls Barrow at the behest of the Jarl.
Final Thoughts on Alarrah’s Skyrim Run
In which the Dragonborn's player does her final post about playing Alarrah in Skyrim, goes into some final thoughts on the whole experience, and provides some screenshots of Alarrah's stats for the stat nerds.
In Which the Dragonborn Defeats Miraak
In which the Dragonborn defeats Miraak and then clears Kolbjorn Barrow; in which she makes a few final visits on Solstheim; and in which she then finally returns to Whiterun.