Merawen Playthrough
Posts pertaining to my playthrough of Merawen the Dunmer
Final Thoughts on Merawen’s Skyrim Run
As I did for Alarrah, so too will I do here for Merawen: a roundup post of final thoughts on how her run went overall, what I liked about it, and what I didn’t.
This will be long, so I’ll have a More tag on this just on that general principle. (And also to acknowledge that while Skyrim is a ten-year-old game at this point, there are still people like me discovering it and playing it for the first time, so I do want to have at least a little bit of spoiler protection here!)
In Which Merawen Slays the World-Eater in Sovngarde
As I pretty much expected, this session officially finished off Merawen’s run! Did the final big events of the main Skyrim plotline, starting from trapping Odahviing in Dragonsreach and taking it all the way through defeating Alduin for good in Sovngarde!
This is also Merawen’s last official session, and her second to last post. The final post will be a “thoughts on her run” kind of post, similar to the one I did for Alarrah.
In Which Merawen Masters the Illusion School, and Attends a Peace Council
As of this session I am officially done with the Ritual quests for the mage college, and I have all the high-tier, baddest-assed spells in my arsenal.
Also, proceeded to the point of having the peace council between the Imperials and Stormcloaks! The main plot is back!
In Which Merawen Achieves Mastery of Destruction
This session was short, but long enough for me to do the majority of the Destruction Ritual Quest! Which required me to visit two new locations, and one I’d already been to.
In Which Merawen Defeats the Ebony Warrior and Arranges a Peace Council
Just what it says in the subject line, mostly–the two big events of this session were my defeating the Ebony Warrior, and getting both Ulfric and Tullius on board with the peace council hosted by the Greybeards.
Gee, I wonder how that’s going to go!
In Which Merawen Clears Treva’s Watch and Encounters the Ebony Warrior
A bit more advancement of the main plot, as I made it up to High Hrothgar to get the Greybeards’ buy off on this whole peace conference idea. But also, I cleared Treva’s Watch and got in considerable exercise of Illusion and Destruction.
And, while on the way to Windhelm to ask Ulfric to show up for the peace conference, I finally found the Ebony Warrior!
In Which Merawen Finally Returns at Least a Bit to the Main Plot
As of this session I found myself growing a bit weary of tromping around throwing a bunch of Illusion and Destruction spells around, and looking for excuses to pick fights with bandits and/or Falmer. So in between doing all of that, I did finally go to Dragonsreach in Whiterun, and get the Jarl to agree to help me trap a dragon—if I could do something about this war thing going on.
In Which Merawen Gets Final Restoration Training
Yet another “general adventuring and crafting” type session, but featuring doing the Restoration Ritual Quest, and doing quite a bit of treasure hunting.
In Which Merawen Gains Final Training in Alteration and Conjuration
In this session, all this work I’ve been doing on general adventuring and crafting has started to pay off. I made it to level 80, and I did two of the five ritual quests for the mage college–the ones for the Alteration and Conjuration schools.
Also, I fought and killed my first Legendary Dragon!
In Which Merawen Does Yet More General Adventuring and Crafting
Very, very low-key session. Still in the midst of the push to get to level 80, and to get my magic skills up to 90/100.