Some thoughts about ESO+
Some thoughts about the ESO+ subscription service, and why I'm not going to commit to paying for it yet, and what I may be doing in the meantime while I think about it.
In Which Gyllerah Stops a Rogue Justiciar
In which Gyllerah and K'sragi venture into Tor-Hame-Khard and dispatch a rogue agent of the Divine Prosecution, who'd attempted to claim another of those odd pearls for herself, and caused the deaths of almost her entire squadron; and in which Gyllerah does much crafting, and joins the Fighters and Mages Guilds.
In Which Gyllerah Visits the Psijic Order
In which Gyllerah and K'sragi infiltrate a party, and later save Kinlady Avinisse from being murdered; and in which they accompany Valsirenn to Artaeum, where they assist the Psijic Order in investigating the mysterious pearl confiscated by Valsirenn.
In Which Gyllerah Gets a Room
In which Gyllerah acquires a free room in the Golden Gryphon Inn, and spends more time exploring the city of Alinor, gathering materials, and crafting.
In Which Skyrim Together is More of a Mess Than the First Time
In which Luciriel, Kitty, and Rhanys clear out Sleeping Giant Camp and Broken Fang Cave; see Ri'saad's Khajiit STILL trying to leave Whiterun; see Luciriel's armor completely vanish, and Uthgerd apparently resurrect from her fatal brawl; and are defeated in further adventuring by Discord.
In Which Shenner Saves a Moth Priest for the Dawnguard
In which Shenner frees Serana in Dimhollow Crypt and returns her to her family home at Castle Volkihar; recruits members for the Dawnguard; meets Serana again, and goes with her to rescue a Moth Priest and recover a crossbow schematic.
In Which Gyllerah Delves into King’s Haven Pass
In which Gyllerah and K'sragi delve into King's Haven Pass, and help a bard gather clues to help him compose an epic... even though it doesn't go quite the way the bard had hoped.
In Which Tembriel Fights Orcs at a Daedric Shrine
In which Tembriel discovers the Guildmaster of the Mages Guild has a very suspicious advisor, and reports on that back to Ranis; and in which she takes out troublesome orcs at a Daedric shrine for the Fighters Guild.
In Which Tembriel Quests for Ranis of the Mages Guild
In which Tembriel continues questing for the Mages Guild, discovering as she does that Ranis Athrys has some less than above board reasons for sending her on these various tasks.
In Which Gyllerah Discovers a Plot in Shimmerene
In which Gyllerah and K'sragi investigate disturbing hints of newcomers to the island being used for dark purposes; discover Daedric activity in the undercroft of a local monastery; and are tasked with infiltrating a party.