In Which Shenner Recovers the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller and Slays a Dragon Priest
In which Shenner recovers the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller; slays the dragon Sahloknir at Kynesgrove; slays another dragon and a Dragon Priest at Shearpoint; slays bandits and gains fine new armor; and builds a house at Lakeview.
In Which Faanshi Restores the Gildergreen and Infiltrates Goldenglow Estate
In which Faanshi improves her magic; finally defeats the ghost of Kvenel in Volunruud; retrieves books for Urag; acquires Nettlebane, and restores the Gildergreen; and infiltrates Goldenglow Estate.
In Which Shenner Kills Dragons and Quests for Daedric Princes
In which Shenner slays multiple dragons; acquires Dawnbreaker, the Masque of Clavicus Vile, and the Savior's Hide; and discovers the unpleasant result of a necromantic ritual that went horribly, horribly wrong.
In Which Faanshi Finds Nirnroot and Stolen Books
In which Faanshi slays a dragon by Lakeview Manor; gathers nirnroot for Ingun Black-Briar; retrieves stolen books for the College of Winterhold; and discovers the college must find the Staff of Magnus.
In Which Faanshi Hunts for Ingredients
In which Faanshi slays a dragon near Honningbrew Meadery; hunts for deathbell and nightshade in Morthal, Solitude, and Falkreath; purchases the hilt of Mehrunes' Razor; and builds more of Lakeview Manor.
In Which Shenner Foils an Assassination and Gains New Houses
In which Shenner stops an assassination attempt in Whiterun; seeks a lost caravan near Falkreath; is recruited by Barbas to reunite him with his master; slays the Saints bandits near Brittleshin Pass; and defeats Eydvina Shield-Hearth to win Hendraheim.
In Which Shenner Goes Bandit Hunting
In which Shenner hunts bandits, first near the Guardian Stones, and then at Bilegulch Mine by the directive of the Jarl of Falkreath.
In Which Faanshi Finds an Orb and Delivers a Fugitive to Justice
In which Faanshi discovers a mysterious powerful orb in the depths of Saarthal; and in which she delivers a Redguard fugitive into the hands of warriors sent to bring her to justice.
In Which Shenner Visits the Greybeards and Acquires Silver Armor
In which Shenner visits the Greybeards, quests through Shroud Hearth Barrow, and acquires a set of Silver Armor; and in which her player further experiments with mods and FPS.
In Which Faanshi Joins the Thieves Guild and the College of Winterhold
In which Faanshi delivers ultimatums in Riften, and is admitted into the Thieves Guild; and in which she demonstrates her ability to cast Firebolt, and is admitted into the College of Winterhold. Khajiit knows which one will be more profitable.