In Which Merawen Slays Lord Harkon Then Catches Up On Side Business
In which Merawen leads the Dawnguard's assault on Castle Volkihar and kills Lord Harkon, and is then able to take some well-deserved downtime. Except for the part where she has to fight off another dragon at the mage college!
In Which Merawen Acquires Auriel’s Bow
In which Merawen and Serana make it through the rest of the wayshrines in Forgotten Vale, reach the Inner Sanctum and confront Vyrthur there, and finally gain Auriel's Bow.
In Which Merawen Proceeds Through the Forgotten Vale
In which Merawen and Serana continue their trek through the Forgotten Vale, vanquishing dragons and Falmer as they go.
In Which Merawen Dives Headlong into Forgotten Vale
In which Merawen and Serana brave the route through Darkfall Cave and Darkfall Passage to make it into Forgotten Vale, in search of Auriel's Bow--and gain the help of the Snow Elf Gelebor, with the price of helping him kill his brother.
In Which Merawen Escapes the Soul Cairn and Finds the Location of Auriel’s Bow
In which Merawen escapes the Soul Cairn, after vanquishing the dragon Durnehviir and retrieving the Blood Scroll; and in which she learns the location of Auriel's Bow when she reads the Elder Scrolls in Ancestor Glade.
In Which Merawen Returns to the Main Dawnguard Plot
In which Merawen gains the Dawnguard Rune Axe, and then rejoins the vampire Serana in an attempt to locate her long-lost mother Valerica in the Soul Cairn.
In Which Merawen Hunts Still More Vampires for the Dawnguard
In which Merawen does one more major round of side quests for the Dawnguard, while killing dragons, bandits, and Thalmor in the bargain, and convincing a pushy bard to lay off unwanted advances to Carlotta.
In Which Merawen Builds Heljarchen Hall and Gains a New Steward
In which Merawen begins work building Heljarchen Hall, and engages Golldir to be the new steward for her new house; and in which she battles a dragon, draugr, bandits, and skeletons in and around Autumnwatch Tower.
In Which Merawen Becomes Thane of the Pale
In which Merawen takes care of the vampire infiltrating the court of Jarl Skald of Dawnstar, helps Dawnstar with its plague of nightmares, and becomes Thane of the Pale by assisting Dawnstar’s people with other needs as well.
In Which Merawen Rescues a Future Sybil and Hunts Yet More Vampires
In which Merawen rescues the future Sybil of Dibella from the Forsworn, helps Karthwasten with their unwanted mercenaries problem, and hunts yet another vampire for the Dawnguard.