• Dawnguard,  Merawen Playthrough

    In Which Merawen Quests All Over Skyrim for the Dawnguard

    This session was all about the side quests for the Dawnguard, with a mix of quests from Sorine, Gunmar, and Florentius. Kidnap victims were rescued! Vampires were plammoed with crossbow bolts! Lost Dawnguard relics were acquired!

    And through it all, Merawen boinged back and forth to several points between Markarth and Riften, all over the map. Most of the locales I hit in this session were places I’d been to before, either as Alarrah or as Merawen. But a couple of them were brand new to me, and that was fun!

  • Merawen Playthrough

    In Which Merawen Defeats the Wolf Queen for Solitude

    This session was pretty much entirely driven by wanting to whittle down the side quests, for the Guild and otherwise–and also by realizing that holy crap, I have about 25,000 gold, that’s enough to buy Proudspire, maybe I should go get Elisif to make me her thane?

    So I did the plot to defeat Potema the Wolf Queen and keep her from being resurrected. Also moved the Forbidden Legends quest along, and did a whole bunch of thievery and other side quests as well.

    Also, pro tip: try to avoid reading scrolls that will set you and nearby enemies on fire, if you don’t also want to set your housecarl on fire and piss her off. JUST SAYING.