In Which Shenner Visits the Greybeards and Acquires Silver Armor
In which Shenner visits the Greybeards, quests through Shroud Hearth Barrow, and acquires a set of Silver Armor; and in which her player further experiments with mods and FPS.
In Which Shenner Goes to High Hrothgar
In which Shenner slays bandits at Silent Moon Camp for a bounty in Whiterun; has a look at a homestead for sale outside the city; and sets out for Ivarstead to answer the summons of the Greybeards.
In Which Faanshi Quests Through Shriekwind Bastion and Shadowgreen Cavern
In which Faanshi finds a Word of Power--and a pissed-off master vampire--in Shriekwind Bastion; and in which she recovers a lost helmet in Shadowgreen Cavern.
In Which Faanshi Hunts Bandits and Draugr
In which Faanshi slays a bandit leader for a Whiterun bounty; is contacted by the Jarl of Falkreath; gains many more spells to defend herself; and explores the secrets of Shroud Hearth Barrow.
In Which Faanshi Climbs the Seven Thousand Steps
In which Faanshi ventures to High Hrothgar to answer the summons of the Greybeards; and in which she discovers after that not everyone is eager to embrace her new status as Dragonborn.
In Which Ysani Quests for the Temple of Mara
In which Ysani, in a rare fit of romantic fervor, aids a priestess of Mara in spreading Mara's love; finds another schematic for the Dawnguard; and returns the Runed Lexicon to Septimus, only to come to the attention of Hermaeus Mora.
In Which Ysani Discovers the Guildmaster’s Treachery
In which Ysani is nearly killed by Mercer Frey at Snow Veil Sanctum, and learns from Karliah that he is the true source of the Thieves Guild's misfortunes; in which she learns from Enthir where to translate Gallus' coded journal; and in which she is attacked by thugs at the College of Winterhold.
In Which Ysani Quests for the Bards College
In which Ysani retrieves lost instruments for the Bards College; in which she sells bearskins to Temba Wide-Arm; and in which she begins to investigate Mzulft on behalf of the College of Winterhold, seeking clues to the whereabouts of the Staff of Magnus.
In Which Ysani Goes to the Greybeards
In which Ysani heeds the summons of the Greybeards, and journeys with her new housecarl Lydia to the Throat of the World; and in which Ysani begins to investigate the allegedly haunted barrow near Ivarstead.
In Which Delga is Inducted into the Circle
In which Skjor and Aela make an offer to Delga to induct her into the Circle by making her a werewolf; in which Delga and Aela clear Gallows Rock of Silver Hand bandits only to discover the death of Skjor; and in which Delga slays a dragon for Riften.