In Which Elessir Slays Some Mudcrabs and Heads to Solstheim
In which Elessir finds rare fish, a Dwemer fishing rod, and enchanted axes; cooks a seafood feast; fights off an attack of frenzied mudcrabs near Dawnstar; and heads to Solstheim, to hunt down the mysterious Miraak who's trying to kill him.
In Which Finds-The-Way Goes to Solstheim
In which Finds-The-Way discovers a Word of Power in Shriekwind Bastion; helps Viriya get set up as a merchant in Riften; travels to Solstheim in search of clues about Miraak; recovers an Ancient Nord Pickaxe; and helps Crescius Caerellius prove how his great-grandfather died in Bloodskal Barrow.
In Which Finds-The-Way Slays Harkon and Also a Bunch of Mudcrabs
In which Finds-The-Way slays Harkon at Castle Volkihar; returns to the Soul Cairn to tell Valerica she can come home; takes rare fish to Swims-In-Deep-Water; recovers artifacts from the Forgotten Vale and Bronze Water Cave; fights off an attack of frenzied mudcrabs in Dawnstar; and helps Viriya build a merchant stall in Riften.
In Which Elessir Forges the Aetherial Crown
In which Elessir meets the ghost of Katria in Arkngthamz; helps Katria recover aetherium shards, and quests into Raldbthar for the final one; brings more fish to Swims-In-Deep-Water; kills a lot of dragons but also a lot of mudcrabs; and forges an Aetherial Crown with Katria at the Aetherium Forge.
In Which Finds-the-Way Acquires Auriel’s Bow
In which Finds-The-Way quests through the Forgotten Vale with Serana; slays the dragons Naaslaarum and Voslaarum; finds and slays Arch-Curate Vyrthur; and claims Auriel's Bow.
In Which Elessir Clears Shriekwind Bastion
In which Elessir, Serana, and Lucien clear Shriekwind Bastion of vampires and other undead.
In Which Finds-The-Way Goes Hunting for Auriel’s Bow
In which Finds-The-Way and the vampire Serana discover the location of Auriel's Bow in Ancestor Glade; slay attacking Volkihar vampires there; meet Knight-Paladin Gelebor and get his request to kill his brother; and quest through Darkfall Passage to reach the entrance to the Forgotten Vale.
In Which Elessir Slays Alduin in Sovngarde
In which Elessir becomes Guild Master of the Thieves Guild; brings about a peace council between the Imperials and the Stormcloaks at High Hrothgar; solves a rash of murders in Windhelm; forces the Blades to stand down from insisting he kill Paathurnax; traps the dragon Odahviing at Dragonsreach, then lets Odahviing fly him to Skuldafn; quests through Skuldafn into Sovngarde; slays Alduin the World-Eater; and adopts a child after his return to Whiterun.
In Which Finds-The-Way Quests Through the Soul Cairn
In which Finds-The-Way infiltrates Castle Volkihar with Serana; finds Serana's mother Valerica's hidden laboratory; activates a portal to the Soul Cairn; finds a dead saint's lost writing, and the soul of a dead horse; finds Valerica and reunites her with Serana; slays the undead dragon Durnehviir... temporarily; escapes the Soul Cairn; returns to Fort Dawnguard, and discovers that the Moth Priest Dexion has gone blind.
In Which Finds-The-Way Quests for the Dawnguard
In which Finds-The-Way rescues Serana from Dimhollow Crypt; declines her father's offer to become a vampire; recruits Sorine and Gunmar for the Dawnguard; rescues the Moth Priest Dexion; rescues Florentius from Ruunvald; recovers a sword and a schematic from Mzinchaleft; and returns to Castle Volkihar to search for Serana's mother.