In Which Faanshi Acquires Dawnbreaker and Returns a Dog to His Master
In keeping with the tradition set up by previous playthroughs, I ran A Daedra’s Best Friend pretty much simultaneously with The Break of Dawn in this session–which let me, yet again, have the Daedra dog Barbas on hand to help me run Kilkreath and get Dawnbreaker. I continue to have no fucks to give about either the Rueful Axe or the Masque of Clavicus Vile, but oh boy howdy do I have fucks to give about Dawnbreaker! And Barbas continues to be helpful in getting it.
In Which Ysani Adopts a Child and Acquires Azura’s Star
A somewhat less lightweight session than Wednesday night’s! But some significant life development for Ysani here, as I adopted Lucia in Whiterun to ensure a safe companion and safe place for the adopted dog! And also, I cleared Valthume to kill the dragon priest Hevnoraak (and get Kahvozein’s Fang while I was at it), and cleared Ilinalta’s Deep to acquire Azura’s Star.
In Which Ysani Joins the College of Winterhold
Getting the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller is going to have to wait a bit! I have important magical training to get started on. ;D
In Which Merawen Gets Final Restoration Training
Yet another “general adventuring and crafting” type session, but featuring doing the Restoration Ritual Quest, and doing quite a bit of treasure hunting.