Additional OpenMW experimentation
Before I did more playing with Tembriel in my vanilla Morrowind install last night, I took the time to explore the OpenMW build. I’d gotten some useful tips from both Dara and the folks on the Skywind Discord server, which amounted to the following: I also learned from the Discord server that the distortion I was seeing when turning is called “screen tearing”. So with these suggestions in mind as to things to check, I fired up a fresh game inside OpenMW. This one I set up to be a Dark Elf spellsword, and I named her Luciriel. I went through the initial character setup, reached the room where I…
In Which Tembriel Joins the Mages Guild
In which Tembriel finds Caius Cosades in Balmora, and is recruited into the Blades; and in which she also joins the Mages Guild, to establish a cover story at Caius' orders.