In Which Marwyth and the Thieves Guild Crash a Wedding
Another post where I cover a week’s worth of time, but only a few actual play sessions. Back around to Marwyth now! Main action here: stuff on Summerset that was all fairly familiar since I did it already as Gyllerah, and reaching the climax of the Thieves Guild plotline. Which required crashing a wedding!
In Which Gyllerah Quests All Over Summerset
A lot happened in this session, rather more than I can easily summarize in a single post title! Engaged with some of the special event stuff going on on ESO right now; ran the plot at the menagerie that Paul ahd run before; went with Paul to hunt for remaining time break portals to close for the Psijics; hit two different abyssal geysers and contributed to the kill on the first; ran the plot at the haunted Direnni acropolis with Paul; and last but not least, did a solo run at Rellenthil to investigate the situation with a woman wanting to convince her brother not to join an acting troupe.
Y’all will note that the highlight deets are sparser than usual for my posts! This was because this was a very busy session, and I was preoccupied with actually playing, so didn’t take as many notes as usual. Still, got enough typed in to build a post from!
In Which Gyllerah Solves a Murder at Russafeld Winery
This is a two-session post, since I didn’t do any actual quests or RP on 10/18. And 10/19 was a solo run, since Paul wasn’t up for playing that night. I followed up on a previously received plot hook, and went to investigate a murder at the Russafeld Winery!
In Which Gyllerah Defeats a Sea-Sload and Joins the Psijic Order
This is another round of action on Summerset’s overall primary plot! Paul and I investigated a sinkhole near Rellenthil, defended the Psijic Order from yaghra invasion, and saved Ritemaster Iachesis from mental manipulation! Go us!