In Which the Dragonborn Buys a Horse
In which the Dragonborn buys her first horse, and then uses it to travel to all the holds she’s thane of, as well as carrying out duties for both the College of Winterhold and the Dawnguard.
In Which the Dragonborn Destroys the Dark Brotherhood
In which the Dragonborn hunts down the sword of Red Eagle; and in which she helps orphans of Riften by taking out their abusive caretaker, but in the process, comes to the attention of the Dark Brotherhood, for whom this does not go well.
In Which the Dragonborn Quests to Repair the White Phial
In which the Dragonborn quests for ingredients to repair the White Phial; in which she kills two dragons, one of which was Nahagliiv; and in which she amuses herself with Zelda easter egg gear!
In Which the Dragonborn Becomes Thane of Riften
In which the Dragonborn becomes Thane of Riften, and in which she is given a mysterious object by an Argonian who begs her to return it to Avanchnzel.
In Which the Dragonborn Learns More About How to Defeat Alduin
In which the Dragonborn returns a sword to Mjoll the Lioness, and brings icewraith teeth to Marise; in which she charges the Warped Soul gem for Arniel; and in which she rejoins Delphine and Esbern and learns what she'll need to do next to destroy Alduin the World-Eater!
In Which the Dragonborn is On the Road
In which the Dragonborn goes hunting for items for Riften’s wizard, a new Word Wall, a fabled White Phial, and the beginnings of clues about why young women are being killed in Windhelm. And also kills her first Ancient Dragon.
In Which the Dragonborn Marries Her Favorite Housecarl
In which the Dragonborn marries her beloved Lydia in Riften, and the happy couple does what they do best for their honeymoon: visiting dungeons and killing draugr! How romantic. <3
In Which the Dragonborn is Reminded of the Main Plot
In which the Dragonborn kills her second Dragon Priest (by which I mean, really actually going back to finish off the first one); in which she goes to Riften, rescues Esbern from the Thalmor, and learns she’s on tap to save the world; and in which she kills her first Elder Dragon.
Two more awesome auroras near Riften!
Tweet from 5/22/2021, in which I gush more over auroras near Riften!
More of Skyrim Being Pretty
Tweet from 5/22/2021, in which I gush about auroras near Riften!