In Which the Dragonborn Destroys the Dark Brotherhood
In which the Dragonborn hunts down the sword of Red Eagle; and in which she helps orphans of Riften by taking out their abusive caretaker, but in the process, comes to the attention of the Dark Brotherhood, for whom this does not go well.
In Which the Dragonborn Goes to Ansilvund
In which the Dragonborn goes on more quests for the College of Winterhold, because apparently the Arch-Mage still has to go fetch everything for these people? And in which she kills another Elder Dragon, and learns how to turn iron into gold.
In Which the Dragonborn is Reminded of the Main Plot
In which the Dragonborn kills her second Dragon Priest (by which I mean, really actually going back to finish off the first one); in which she goes to Riften, rescues Esbern from the Thalmor, and learns she’s on tap to save the world; and in which she kills her first Elder Dragon.
In Which the Dragonborn Goes to Volskygge
In which the Dragonborn gives her favorite housecarl a break for once and has Jordis the Sword-Maiden work for her name; and in which the Dragonborn takes Jordis off to Volskygge, to kill bandits, draugr, and a Dragon Priest.
In Which the Dragonborn Does a Whole Lot of Things Actually
In which the Dragonborn acquires her second Aetherium shard and her fifth thaneship, along with Proudspire Manor in Solitude; in which she acquires and builds the start of Heljarchen Hall; and in which she keeps having dead dragon surprises.
In Which the Dragonborn Acquires Azura’s Star
In which the Dragonborn pulls off her fourth Daedric Quest, and succeeds after multiple tries in acquiring the Star of Azura.
In Which the Wolf Queen Turns Out to Not Be Too Big a Problem, Really
In which the Dragonborn does indeed sort that Wolf Queen problem out, and is now only a scant 25,00 gold away from buying property in Solitude and becoming thane of Haafingar!
In Which the Dragonborn Follows Up on that Wolf Queen Problem
In which the Dragonborn finds another Word Wall, does a personal favor for Elisif the Fair, and learns from Falk Firebeard that the spirit of the Wolf Queen is a lot less dealt with than previously thought.
In Which the Dragonborn’s Player Completely Forgot a Post
In which the Dragonborn's player completely forgot to properly post about adventuring into Wolfskull Cave and interrupting a necromancer ritual to summon and bind the soul of the Wolf Queen, Potema.
In Which the Dragonborn Discovers Serious Weirdness in the Blue Palace
In which the Dragonborn takes on yet another Daedric Prince and lives to tell the (arguably rather wacky) tale; and in which the Dragonborn’s player does not succeed in trying a couple other quests.