• Elessir Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Elessir Saves the Gildergreen and Joins the College of Winterhold

    Since I’m running three different playthroughs concurrently right now, I decided I don’t want Elessir and Finds-The-Way doing the exact same things. So while Elessir will be headed eventually for the Thieves Guild, Finds is running that right now. So Elessir’s heading to the College of Winterhold!

    Also featured in this post: saving the Gildergreen, and getting a swanky new set of armor.

  • Elessir Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Elessir Defeats the Wolf Queen, and the Dragon Sahloknir

    Second of two Elessir posts I wanted to do today, to get caught up on his run. Main action here: retrieving a helmet from Rimerock Burrow; interrupting a necromantic ritual at Wolfskull Cave; going with Delphine to Kynesgrove and defeating the dragon Sahloknir; returning to Solitude and defeating the undead Potema in her catacombs; and taking her husband’s hunting horn to a Shrine of Talos at the request of Elisif.

  • Finds-The-Way Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Finds-The-Way Gets Dawnbreaker, But Not the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller

    Swinging back around to my Skyrim run in German, here’s a couple more sessions with Finds-The-Way! Main action here: getting Dawnbreaker; finishing up the Daedra’s Best Friend plot; taking out zombies at the necromancer ritual site; taking out the dragon at Ancient’s Ascent; and last but not least, running Ustengrav. Where Finds did not get the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller.

  • Elessir Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Elessir Speaks to the Greybeards and Cleanses Meridia’s Temple

    Four sessions covered in this one, this is a big post!

    Lots of early playthrough action for Elessir’s run, with the main highlights being running the In My Time of Need plot (in favor of Kematu); acquiring the Bow of Shadows; acquiring and furnishing Breezehome; going to High Hrothgar and speaking to the Greybeards; running Shroud Hearth Barrow; picking up Lucien as my second follower; investigating the zombie ritual site (and triggering the subsequent random zombie hordes); acquiring Hendraheim; running the Daedra’s Best Friend plot; and last but certainly not least, running Kilkreath Temple to get Dawnbreaker.

  • Finds-The-Way Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Finds-The-Way Becomes Thane of Falkreath

    And now to check in with my Argonian Finds-The-Way, and her Skyrim playthrough in German, where every noun is longer. Especially the ones involving gauntlets.

    Main action: running the In My Time of Need plot, in favor of Kematu; getting the Silver Armor for Lydia, and later replacing it with the Daedric Plate; furnishing the rest of Breezehome; going to High Hrothgar to speak to the Greybeards; fighting my first Dragonborn cultists; running Shroud Hearth Barrow; beginning the Daedra’s Best Friend quest; becoming thane in Falkreath; beginning the building of Lakeview Manor; acquiring Hendraheim; and killing a whole passel of bandits.

    (Yep, there’s a lot in this post! And a lot of language commentary, in particular.)

  • Kendis Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Kendis Becomes Thane of Haafingar and Fights the Mythic Dawn

    Time for catchup with Kendis in Skyrim! Main action in this post: clearing Sunderstone Gorge; defeating the ghost of Potema in the Solitude catacombs; getting the Wabbajack; killing Crowstooth at Arcwind Point; questing through Varlais Cavern and then Red Scar Cavern, and triggering the Oblivion gate; questing in the Deadlands; saving Malborn from assassination; initial action to get the thaneship in the Reach; and lots and lots and lots of fishing.

  • Kendis Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Kendis Confronts Alduin, Interrupts Necromancers, and Recovers a Shard

    Wow, I am super behind on my playthrough posts. And I’ve been so heavily playing ESO lately that my Skyrim playthroughs have actually lagged! I’ve hit a point where ESO has become more interesting just because it’s got way more content I actually haven’t played yet.

    But that said, here are the last three sessions I’ve done with Kendis on the Switch, the earliest of which was back in late May, and the last of which was last night.

  • Skyrim,  Skyrim Together Playthrough

    In Which the Dragonborns Interrupt a Ritual and Infiltrate a Warehouse

    This post is long overdue: the last session, Dara, Mel, and I did with Skyrim Together Reborn. But we haven’t had another session recently–time hasn’t permitted–so y’all aren’t missing anything besides this so far. We’ll play again when time permits! For now, I want to get this post out of my backlogged drafts.

    Main highlights here: running Wolfskull Cave and interrupting the ritual to summon Queen Potato (aheh, er, I mean, Potema); stealing a case of wine for an Argonian; finding a very large and very pissed off surprise in the East Empire Company Warehouse; taking out a lighthouse fire (and a lighthouse keeper) for another Argonian; and reporting back to the Guildmaster with what we learned about Karliah.