In Which Faanshi Does More Side Questing
In which Faanshi quests into White Ridge Barrow and Benkongerike in search of Black Books; and in which she assists the scholar Tharstan in Vahlok's Tomb.
In Which Faanshi Gains a Hoard and Some Stalhrim
In which Faanshi once again clears Kolbjorn Barrow of draugr; acquires the hoard of Haknir Death-Brand; discovers the werebear Torkild; slays a dragon near Raven Rock; and mines a great deal of stalhrim at the new stalhrim source.
In Which Faanshi Signs On With the Rieklings
In which Faanshi drives the Thalmor off from Northshore Landing and recovers the stalhrim map; finds more Deathbrand armor; learns how to make netch leather armor; and aids the rieklings in keeping their hold on Thirsk Mead Hall.
In Which Faanshi Fights Pirates and Thalmor
In which Faanshi begins investigating Kolbjorn Barrow; fights pirates at Haknir's Shoal; and fights Thalmor to rescue the kidnapped Baldor, the smith of the Skaal village.
In Which Faanshi Finds the Black Book of Nchardak
In which Faanshi seeks out the wizard Neloth at Tel Mithryn, and clears Miraak's taint from the Sun Stone while there; in which she, Neloth, and Serana gain access to the Black Book at Nchardak; and in which Hermaeus Mora demands the secrets of the Skaal.
In Which Faanshi Discovers Miraak’s Hold on Solstheim
In which Faanshi sees Miraak with her own eyes in Apocrypha; receives the urging of the Skaal shaman to save their people; slays a dragon and learns the Shout necessary to clear the Wind Stone; and clears that Stone, along with the Earth Stone in Raven Rock.
In Which Shenner Saves a Moth Priest for the Dawnguard
In which Shenner frees Serana in Dimhollow Crypt and returns her to her family home at Castle Volkihar; recruits members for the Dawnguard; meets Serana again, and goes with her to rescue a Moth Priest and recover a crossbow schematic.
In Which Faanshi Ventures to Kolbjorn Barrow and Miraak’s Temple
In which Faanshi discovers a artifact hunter in need of investment at Kolbjorn Barrow; and in which she pursues the rumors of MIraak by seeking out his temple in the center of the island of Solstheim.
In Which Faanshi Makes an Impact in Raven Rock
In which Faanshi, assisted by the vampire Serana, arrives on Solstheim and aids the town of Raven Rock in multiple ways, solving a mystery in their ebony mine, and saving their councillor from assassination.
In Which Shenner Slays Ildari Sarothril
In which Shenner invades Highpoint Tower and confronts Ildari Sarothril, Neloth's former apprentice.