In Which Merawen Saves a Moth Priest, Hunts a Disguised Vampire, and Gathers Jazbay Grapes
In which Merawen rescues the Moth Priest Dexion Evicus from vampires; slays a vampire pretending to be a traveling bard; and gathers Jazbay grapes for Avrusa Sarethi.
In Which Merawen Hunts Crimson Nirnroot, the Pale Lady, Bandits, and Bears
In which Merawen plumbs the depths of Blackreach for crimson nirnroot; fights the Pale Lady in Frostmere Crypt, and bandits at Silent Moons Camp; and helps the hunter Gunmar kill a dangerous bear to persuade him to join the Dawnguard.
In Which Merawen Finds an Elder Scroll and the Oghma Infinium
In which Merawen retrieves an Elder Scroll from the depths of Blackreach, by way of Alftand and the Tower of Mzark; and in which she acquires the Oghma Infinium for Hermaeus Mora; and in which she checks back in with the Dawnguard.
In Which Merawen Visits Paarthurnax, Repairs the White Phial, and Seeks an Elder Scroll
In which Merawen meets Paarthurnax, the true leader of the Greybeards; in which she helps Quintus repair the White Phial; and in which she begins the hunt for an Elder Scroll.
In Which Merawen Finds the Aetherium Forge and Alduin’s Wall
In which Merawen finds the Aetherium Forge and creates the Aetherial Crown, and in which she finds Sky Haven Temple with the help of Delphine and Esbern.
In Which Merawen Retrieves the Remaining Aetherium Shards
In which Merawen acquires the two remaining Aetherium Shards, at Deep Folk Crossing and Raldbthar.
In Which Merawen Acquires Mehrunes’ Razor and the Crown of Barenziah
In which Merawen concludes her hunt for the pieces of Mehrunes’ Razor, and must appease Dagon himself if she wants to keep it; and in which she retrieves the remaining Stones of Barenziah, as well as the Crown to hold them.
In Which Merawen Goes to Arkngthamz
In which Merawen investigates the ruins at Arkngthamz, and recovers another Aetherium Shard with the help of the ghost of Katria.
In Which Merawen Seeks Stones of Barenziah and Kills Dragons
In which Merawen goes hunting for Stones of Barenziah, clears Rannveig's Fast, and scopes out best ways to steal the Stone inside Jorrvaskr; battles multiple dragons; attends to the Warped Soul Gem for Arniel; and collects a dragon kill bounty in Markarth.
In Which Merawen Becomes an Agent of Nocturnal and Guild Master of the Thieves Guild
In which Merawen, with the help of Brynjolf and Karliah, tracks down and deals with the treacherous Mercer Frey; returns the stolen Skeleton Key to its rightful place in the Twilight Sepulcher; and becomes Guild Master of the Thieves Guild.