In Which the Dragonborn Becomes Arch-Mage and Thane of Winterhold
In which the Dragonborn becomes Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold, after saving it from destruction--and in which, though it's decidedly politically awkward, she also becomes Thane of Winterhold.
In Which the Dragonborn Seeks the Staff of Magnus
In which the Dragonborn, after reporting back to the College of Winterhold with recovered books, goes down into the Midden and learns from the Augur of Dunlain that she needs to find the Staff of Magnus; and in which she heads to Mzulft to do exactly that.
In Which the Dragonborn Quests for the College of Winterhold
In which the Dragonborn traipses hither and yon doing quests for the College of Winterhold (is this going to count to my course credit?); in which she is warned by the Psijic Order that things are about to get serious with that orb thing; and in which she kills a whole bunch of dragons, necromancers, bandits, and Falmer.
In Which the Dragonborn Joins the College of Winterhold
In which the Dragonborn makes friends and influences orcs, by bringing a stronghold the enchanted gauntlets they wanted; in which she kills not one but two Blood Dragons; and in which she sends Lydia home for an extended break while she joins the College of Winterhold and learns how to be a mage.
In Which the Dragonborn is Reminded of the Main Plot
In which the Dragonborn kills her second Dragon Priest (by which I mean, really actually going back to finish off the first one); in which she goes to Riften, rescues Esbern from the Thalmor, and learns she’s on tap to save the world; and in which she kills her first Elder Dragon.
In Which the Dragonborn Goes to Volskygge
In which the Dragonborn gives her favorite housecarl a break for once and has Jordis the Sword-Maiden work for her name; and in which the Dragonborn takes Jordis off to Volskygge, to kill bandits, draugr, and a Dragon Priest.
In Which the Dragonborn Goes to Geirmund’s Hall
In which the Dragonborn and her housecarl head off to Geirmund’s Hall, to get the second fragment of the Gauldur amulet—and in which the Dragonborn is followed by more floppy dragon corpse!
In Which the Dragonborn Does a Whole Lot of Things Actually
In which the Dragonborn acquires her second Aetherium shard and her fifth thaneship, along with Proudspire Manor in Solitude; in which she acquires and builds the start of Heljarchen Hall; and in which she keeps having dead dragon surprises.
In which the Dragonborn Investigates the Arkngthamz Ruins
In which the Dragonborn explores her first Dwemer ruins; in which she fights her first Falmer; and in which she aids the ghost of a dead adventurer in the quest to further her research about the ruins of Arkngthamz.
In Which the Dragonborn Becomes Thane of the Pale
In which the Dragonborn becomes Thane of the Pale by helping out the people of Dawnstar; in which she kills another giant, two dragons, and more bandits; and in which she becomes less than pleased with the Dark Brotherhood after an assassin tries to kill her.