In Which the Dragonborn Goes to Morthal and Slays a Giant
In which the Dragonborn, seeking to extend her network of allies, goes to Morthal to learn more of its people and see how she may aid them to win Jarl Idgrod’s leave to be her Thane; and in which the Dragonborn and her housecarl fight bandits and a giant
Adventures in Skyrim Up Till Now
In which the Dragonborn, Alarrah of the Bosmer, and her loyal housecarl Lydia drop off a dwarven helmet in Markarth; in which they visit Falkreath, and wipe out some bandits for their Jarl even though he’s unworthy; and in which they reunite a very unusual dog with his very unusual master.
In Which Alarrah Decides to Take It Easy for a Bit
Twitter thread from 5/22/2021, in which Alarrah recovers an amulet for Kharjo the Khajiit, informs a captain in Windhelm that his deserted crew member has been dealt with, and runs a bandit bounty for Riften.
Holy Hopping Divines There Are a Lot of Draugr In Here
Twitter thread from 5/16/2021, in which Alarrah and Lydia finish running Dead Men's Respite, then return to Whiterun for assorted crafting and shopping.
In Which the Dragonborn Almost Loses Her Housecarl
Twitter thread from 5/14/2021, in which Alarrah goes hunting on the Whiterun plains, witnesses the Whiterun guards slaying a dragon, slays the dragon at Eldersblood Peak for Morthal, and buys Breezehome.
Much Less Fucking Around, and Some Unpleasant Finding Out
Twitter thread from 5/14/2021, in which Alarrah discovers intrigue surrounding a Redguard fugitive hiding out in Whiterun, and has to choose between helping her or her pursuers.
In Which Alarrah Finally Drops Off the Horn
Twitter thread from 5/13/2021, in which Alarrah returns the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller to High Hrothgar, and her player discovers several varied ways for the game to kill her. In Which Alarrah Finally Drops Off the Horn, But Other Than That, Mostly Finds Out Ways for the Game to Kill Her: 8:42 AM · May 13, 2021 1. As discussed in my last post, I’d decided to go give the Horn back to the Greybeards, finally. This was a fairly anti-climactic ending to the Horn quest… 8:43 AM · May 13, 2021 …as it involved just showing up back at High Hrothgar, going “Hey Master Arngeir I brought that Horn…
Yeah okay Skyrim IS pretty awesome
I've fallen headlong into Skyrim finally now that I own my very own Nintendo Switch! Here's a post about the things I'm enjoying about it, of which there are many!
Next round of Skyrim catchup
Thread from 5/9/2021, in which Alarrah does a lot of smithing and crafting and selling, and then sets out in search of the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller.
More Adventures with Alarrah the Dragonborn
Twitter thread from 5/8/2021 in which Alarrah slays a dragon, saves Morthal from vampires, and gets offers of thaneship from both Morthal and Falkreath.