In Which Ysani Defeats Vahlok, Karstaag, and Miraak
In which Ysani escorts the scholar Tharstan through Vahlok's tomb, and slays the dragon priest Vahlok the Jailor; slays the ghost frost giant Karstaag; and last but certainly not least, slays Miraak the First Dragonborn, at the summit of Apocrypha.
In Which Ysani Quests Through Benkongerike, Kolbjorn Barrow, and All of Skyrim
In which Ysani quests into Benkongerike and gains a handy new dremora ally; once more clears draugr from Kolbjorn Barrow; fights multiple dragons; and returns for a while to Skyrim to sell much won treasure and seek a briarheart for Neloth.
In Which Ysani Discovers the Oghma Infinium and Heads to Solstheim
In which Ysani discovers the Oghma Infinium; and in which she calls her husband back to her side, so that the two of them can journey to Solstheim in search of the dragon cult trying to kill her.
In Which Ysani Slays Falmer, Dragons, and a Thalmor Assassin
In which Ysani retrieves another schematic for Sorine; finds Falmer slaughtering bandits in a cave hideout; aids treasure seekers on their way into a barrow; slays the dragons Nahagliiv and Viinturuth; and slays a Thalmor assassin as well.
In Which Ysani Seeks Crimson Nirnroot and Slays Dragons
In which Ysani recovers samples of crimson nirnroot from Blackreach, and bestows them upon Avrusa Sarethi in the name of alchemy; and in which she battles multiple dragons throughout the Rift.
In Which Ysani Helps Repair the White Phial and Rescues Florentius
In which Ysani helps repair the White Phial, though not in time to prevent Nurelion's death; in which she retrieves another schematic; and in which she saves Florentius from the doomed Ruunvald Excavation.
In Which Ysani Does More General Adventuring
In which Ysani quests through Volunruud and Yngol Barrow; and in which she and her housecarl Argis the Bulwark slay Ancient Dragons.
In Which Ysani Does General Adventuring
In which Ysani achieves full mastery of the School of Conjuration; acquires a staff on behalf of Enthir of the college; and travels back and forth between her properties to build.
In Which Ysani Foils a Conspiracy and Adopts a Second Daughter
In which Ysani confronts Taron Dreth about the Aetherial Crown; in which she foils a Forsworn conspiracy in Markarth; and in which she adopts the girl Erith when Left Hand Mine is devastated in a dragon attack.
In Which Ysani Destroys the Dark Brotherhood
In which Ysani acquires two more Stones of Barenziah in Windhelm; in which she investigates the rumors that Aventus Aretino is trying to summon the Dark Brotherhood, and slays Grelod the Kind for him; in which she is kidnapped by Astrid of the Dark Brotherhood, and slays her as well, before wiping out the Dark Brotherhood entirely.