In Which Merawen Clears Treva’s Watch and Encounters the Ebony Warrior
In which Merawen clears Treva's Watch, which has driven Stalleo out of his family home; in which she consults with Arngeir about the Greybeards hosting a peace conference; and in which she encounters an Ebony Warrior who wants her to send him to Sovngarde.
In Which Merawen Finally Returns at Least a Bit to the Main Plot
In which Merawen explores the Sightless Pit and snipes in passing at Fort Kastav and Faldar's Tooth; in which she battles multiple dragons and vampires; and in which she finally speaks with the Jarl of Whiterun about this wacky dragon-trapping plan for Dragonsreach.
In Which Merawen Gets Final Restoration Training
In which Merawen gets her final restoration training at the mage college, and in which she does a great deal of treasure hunting on the side.
In Which Merawen Gains Final Training in Alteration and Conjuration
In which Merawen finally makes enough progress in her magical training to achieve the ritual quests for Alteration and Conjuration magic, and in which she fights and defeats her first Legendary Dragon.
In Which Merawen Does Yet More General Adventuring and Crafting
In which Merawen does yet more general adventuring and crafting, as she works on the mastery of her magic, and building her power to finally take on Alduin.
In Which Merawen Continues General Adventuring
In which Merawen does a bit more general adventuring and a _lot_ more working on her crafting skills.
In Which Merawen Acquires the Spellbreaker Shield
In which Merawen is sent to Bthardamz by the Daedric prince Peryite to kill a worshipper who's betrayed him, and in which she acquires the Spellbreaker shield.
In Which Merawen Foils a Conspiracy and Escapes Cidhna Mine
In which Merawen journeys once more around the land, crafting and smithing and adventuring; and in which she discovers and foils a conspiracy in Markarth, helping the Forsworn escape from Cidhna Mine.
In Which Merawen Finally Fights Alduin and Also Acquires the Wabbajack
In which Merawen finally brings the Dragon Elder Scroll to the Time-Wound at the top of the Throat of the World, and fights Alduin there; and in which she acquires the Wabbajack from Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness.
In Which Merawen Battles the Chicken Necromancer
In which Merawen continues her journey around the land, discovers the fate of a farmer's missing wife, and fights a particularly unique necromancer!