In Which Merawen Visits Paarthurnax, Repairs the White Phial, and Seeks an Elder Scroll
In which Merawen meets Paarthurnax, the true leader of the Greybeards; in which she helps Quintus repair the White Phial; and in which she begins the hunt for an Elder Scroll.
In Which Merawen Seeks More Stones of Barenziah and the Pieces of Mehrunes’ Razor
In which Merawen goes hunting for the remaining Stones of Barenziah; gets the Khajiit warrior Kharjo at her back to investigate Ansilvund; visits a new museum in Dawnstar; and begins hunting for the pieces of Mehrunes’ Razor.
In Which Merawen Finds the White Phial, and Thieves Her Way Through Riften and Markarth
In which Merawen finds the White Phial for Nurelion in Windhelm; and in which she pulls off more thievery in both Riften and Markarth.
In Which Merawen Buys Proudspire Manor and Becomes Thane of Haafingar
In which Merawen becomes thane of Haafingar, and purchases Proudspire Manor; in which she does enough thievery in Whiterun to bring word to the Guild that Olfrid Battle-Born wants us to do a special job; in which she kills three different dragons; and in which she clears Ragnvald to learn a new word for a Shout and kill the Dragon Priest Otar there.
In Which Merawen Defeats the Wolf Queen for Solitude
In which Merawen stops the resurrection of the dreaded Wolf Queen Potema, and gains the gratitude of Jarl Elisif and her steward Falk in Solitude; in which she commits thievery in Solitude, Whiterun, and Windhelm; and in which she takes out a couple more dragons and multiple bandits.
In Which Merawen Restores the Thieves Guild in Windhelm
In which Merawen helps out in the mage college, and kills a dragon while she’s trying to be helpful and get training; in which she visits Raven Rock for the first time, meets a Guild contact, and also robs Severin Manor; and in which she does enough thievery in Windhelm to nab a special job for the Guild to re-establish its footing there.
In Which Merawen Discovers Way More Guild Backstory Than She Expected
In which Merawen goes on a thievery spree between Markarth, Windhelm, and Riften; in which she also does a few side quests when she’s in a more benevolent mood; and in which she discovers that WHOO BOY the Guild has a lot more blood and drama in its recent history than she knew.
In Which Merawen Moves Plots Along, and Destroys the Dark Brotherhood
In which Merawen makes progress on the plots for the mage college and the Dawnguard; in which she tries out Aranea as a follower; and in which she destroyed the Dark Brotherhood, because seriously, those guys had it coming.
In Which Merawen Joins the Dawnguard and Seeks Azura’s Star
In which Merawen continues her search for Azura's Star, and also seeks to join the Dawnguard as well as go after dragons and giants, with the aid of a Dunmer mercenary.
In Which Merawen Takes Care of Thieves Guild Business
In which Merawen implements her orders from Maven Black-Briar to take out the competition at the Honningbrew Meadery; in which she completes a burglary job at the House of Clan Battle-Born; and in which she completes a shill job at the House of Clan Cruel-Sea. With a side helping of giant killing!