In Which Alarrah Decides to Take It Easy for a Bit
Twitter thread from 5/22/2021, in which Alarrah recovers an amulet for Kharjo the Khajiit, informs a captain in Windhelm that his deserted crew member has been dealt with, and runs a bandit bounty for Riften.
And Now, in Today’s Episode of Jeez Skyrim is Pretty
Twitter thread from 5/16/2021, in which I share several screenshots.
In Which Alarrah Finally Drops Off the Horn
Twitter thread from 5/13/2021, in which Alarrah returns the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller to High Hrothgar, and her player discovers several varied ways for the game to kill her. In Which Alarrah Finally Drops Off the Horn, But Other Than That, Mostly Finds Out Ways for the Game to Kill Her: 8:42 AM · May 13, 2021 1. As discussed in my last post, I’d decided to go give the Horn back to the Greybeards, finally. This was a fairly anti-climactic ending to the Horn quest… 8:43 AM · May 13, 2021 …as it involved just showing up back at High Hrothgar, going “Hey Master Arngeir I brought that Horn…