In Which Faanshi Discovers Guildmaster Treachery and Becomes Thane of the Reach
In which Faanshi investigates the Arkngthamz ruins and agrees to help a ghost; slays a Forsworn leader and recovers a shield for the Jarl of Markarth; buys Vlindrel Hall, and becomes thane of the Reach; and discovers the treachery of Mercer Frey, Guildmaster of the Thieves Guild.
In Which Shenner Acquires Thaneships, a Unicorn, and a Goblin
In which Shenner slays a master vampire and becomes thane in Hjaalmarch; buys a house and becomes thane in Riften; tames a unicorn; rescues a goblin warrior from a false god; and slays a bandit who'd murdered a merchant.
In Which Faanshi Becomes Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold
In which Faanshi saves the College of Winterhold and becomes Arch-Mage; goes on a thieving spree for the Guild; gains additional training in Illusion; and then uses it to trail Gulum-Ei and finally learn from him who is targeting the Guild.
In Which Shenner Impresses the Jarl of Riften
In which Shenner is directed to seek stolen books for the mage college; makes many improvements to her new farm; slays a bandit leader for a Winterhold bounty; and makes a name for herself in Riften, gaining the favor of the Jarl.
In Which Shenner Quests for Instruments, a Pirate Ship, and Fish
In which Shenner recovers a drum and a lute for the Bards College; tries her luck at fishing; and follows the trail of a prisoner's last clues to find a lost pirate ship on Blackbone Isle.
In Which Faanshi Becomes Thane of the Rift
In which Faanshi clears out a skooma dealer den; buys the house Honeyside in Riften; gains the thaneship in Riften, and Iona as housecarl; and begins investigating Largashbur and Avanchnzel.
In Which Shenner Recovers the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller and Slays a Dragon Priest
In which Shenner recovers the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller; slays the dragon Sahloknir at Kynesgrove; slays another dragon and a Dragon Priest at Shearpoint; slays bandits and gains fine new armor; and builds a house at Lakeview.
In Which Faanshi Retreats and Bails to Riften
In which Faanshi is successful at slaying a dragon in Dawnstar, but not so much with the ghost of Kvenel the Tongue in Volunruud; and in which she returns to Riften to take Brynjolf up on his little proposal to join his organization.
In Which Ysani Takes Vorstag to the Blades and the Fight to Alduin
In which Ysani slays the dragon priest in Ragnvald; recruits Vorstag for the Blades; defeats the dragon at Shearpoint with the new Blades; fights Alduin on the Throat of the World; and gets both sides of the war to agree to peace talks at High Hrothgar.
In Which Ysani Obliterates Northwatch Keep and Brings Jenassa to the Blades
In which Ysani rescues Thorald Gray-Mane from the Thalmor at Northwatch Keep; offers Jenassa as the first new recruit to the Blades at Sky Haven Temple; learns the secrets of Shalidor's Maze; and slays the dragon at Eldersblood Peak.