• Alarrah Playthrough

    In Which the Dragonborn Adopts a Child

    So a big part of this session involved getting both Ulfric Stormcloak and General Tullius to agree to show up for the Graybeards’ peace conference. But I also did a bunch of side things, and I think most importantly for Alarrah’s general long-term life plans, I finally adopted Lucia, the orphan who’s been begging in Whiterun!

    Highlights and details all behind the fold!

  • Alarrah Playthrough

    In Which the Dragonborn Discovers the Oghma Infinium

    This session was basically all about these goals:

    1. Improve my carrying capacity as this is an ongoing problem
    2. Finish up the Discerning the Transmundane quest
    3. Burn through more of my excess building materials by building more things!

    This was a very scattershot sort of session, though, since I bounced around all over the place. And I’m not sure I have everything in exact order. That said, highlights and details behind the fold!

  • Alarrah Playthrough

    In Which the Dragonborn Makes the Thalmor Very Cranky

    This post actually covers both Saturday and Sunday for Skyrim–because going through the Thalmor Embassy quest, “Diplomatic Immunity”, took a lot of work. And I backtracked a couple of times, not only during that primary quest, but also afterwards when I was trying to decide what to do next.

    So, major highlights of this post include:

    • Infiltrating the party at the Thalmor Embassy, in a rather more violent manner than anticipated, yet also getting out alive with NPCs and the information Delphine sent me there for
    • Going to Solitude after to knock out a couple of minor quests: finding out for Angeline what happened to her daughter, and getting Noster’s helmet back for him

    Let’s get to it, shall we?

  • Alarrah Playthrough

    In Which the Dragonborn Becomes Thane of Falkreath

    Major highlights of last night’s Skyrim run:

    • Took on the 2nd of three quests to become thane of Falkreath, and recovered a journal for the Altmer priest Runil
    • Took on the 3rd of those quests, which involved a little light thievery for former Jarl Dengeir
    • Killed not one but two different dragons
    • Killed a vampire at the behest of Falkreath’s former Jarl
    • Actually became Thane of Falkreath, and gained housecarl #3
    • Had Lydia get killed on me three times which was not acceptable, so time to improve her armor
    • Did a bit more building of things at Windstad Manor

    Details behind the fold!

  • Alarrah Playthrough

    In Which Alarrah Becomes a Thane of Morthal

    I’m afraid I broke my last Skyrim post’s mirror over to Dreamwidth, so for the benefit of those of you reading this post from there, here’s the link to my previous Skyrim writeup:

    In Which the Dragonborn Goes to Morthal and Slays a Giant

    And now we rejoin our regularly scheduled Dragonborn!

    Tonight’s goal: finish off becoming Thane of Morthal, and seeing what all that actually gets me. Answer: my very own buildable house, yay! And a whole extra housecarl!