• Kendeshel Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Kendeshel Quests at Arcwind Point

    And now, swinging back over to Kendeshel in Skyrim, as I work on more catchup posts! This is Kendeshel’s first session from February of this year.

    This was a fairly low-key session, and mostly involved a lot of crafting and putting up stuff in the Dragonborn Gallery. But also the by now inevitable Solitude dragon, as well as running Arcwind Point and Varlais Caverns.

  • Dawnguard,  Merawen Playthrough

    In Which Merawen Hunts Still More Vampires for the Dawnguard

    This was another session all about the Dawnguard side quests, because I had to chug through a few more to finally get to the last one I wanted to do! With the obligatory side helpings of confronting dragons and bandits, and this time also Thalmor. And more building work on Heljarchen Hall as well.

    Plus, Gregor the housecarl is now properly outfitted with his own suit of dragonplate armor, as well as dragonbone weapons. You work for the Dragonborn, you will be outfitted correctly!

    Also, this post contains considerable saltiness about the Hide and Seek quest, since I got another round of that. And today’s favorite Skyrim bug: trying to rescue a kidnap victim from vampires, only to discover the kidnap victim has buggered off for home all by herself!