• Kendeshel Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Kendeshel Destroys the Dark Brotherhood and Excavates at Rkund

    Back around to Kendeshel’s run in Skyrim. This is her last session from January, and I have two more sessions of hers after this one before I’m caught up.

    In this one, main action is assorted side stuff from Anniversary Edition content; destroying the Dark Brotherhood, but picking up an extra side quest as a result of that, courtesy of Legacy of the Dragonborn; running Darklight Tower; and also, running the expedition at Rkund, significant Legacy content. Obviously, lots of spoilers here for the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod.

  • Finds-The-Way Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Finds-The-Way Finally Finds the Dark Brotherhood

    I have fallen behind on my playthrough posts again, in no small part because I’ve been in a headspace where I’ve been way more interested in just straight up playing. But I have continued to take notes for blog fodder! So here’s some catchup dating from mid-December. This is the Skyrim session in which Finds-The-Way finally gets to encounter the Dark Brotherhood. ‘Bout goddamned time, says Finds!

    And there’s Thieves Guild action in there too, and the obligatory German language geekery.

  • Finds-The-Way Playthrough,  Skyrim,  Uncategorized

    In Which Finds-The-Way Slays a Thalmor Assassin and a Cruel Headmistress

    Double session post for Finds-The-Way! Main action here: meeting Paarthurnax; running Volunruud; committing some light thievery in both Whiterun and Solitude; taking out J’datharr the Thalmor assassin; taking out Evethra the mad mage; acquiring the greatsword Shadowrend; showing up for a fishing contest and taking out the bandits who tried to ambush her; acquiring the hammer Nerveshatter; slaying Grelod the Kind at the Riften orphanage; and slaying Crowstooth and Alvasorr the Rat at Arcwind Point.

  • Finds-The-Way Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Finds-The-Way Becomes a Nightingale

    Everything in this post is stuff I’ve played before in previous Skyrim runs. But even though the action was familiar, I still had a couple of surprises I’d never seen before! Read on for the details. As well as German language geekery, since this is part of my ongoing playthrough in German, starring Finds-The-Way!

    Main action run: acquiring the remaining pieces of the Gauldur amulet, and reforging it; taking out the Golden Saints bandits near Karthwasten; taking out the mad conjurer Thoron in the Solitude sewers; robbing Mercer Frey’s house in Riften; and last but definitely not least, becoming a Nightingale!

  • Elessir Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Elessir Becomes Thane of Hjaalmarch and the Pale

    Now that I’m finally done rebuilding all the galleries, I can get caught up on backlogged playthrough posts! Here’s another round of Elessir, mostly covering stuff I’ve done before in other playthroughs, but with a bit of Lucien commentary. Main action: taking out J’datharr the Thalmor assassin; slaying the dragon Vuljotnaak; beginning my run through The Cause; getting the amulet fragments from Geirmund’s Hall and Folgunthur; acquiring Dawnfang & Duskfang from the Guardian Vault in the Ratway; taking over Bloodchill Manor after clearing the vampires out of there; becoming Thane of the Pale after slaying a giant for Skald; and becoming Thane of Hjaalmarch after clearing out the vampires in Movarth’s Lair.

  • Kendeshel Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Kendeshel Becomes Thane of the Pale and Saves Esbern from the Thalmor

    Back to Kendeshel’s Skyrim playthrough. Main game action: saving Dawnstar from nightmares and becoming Thane of the Pale; beginning the building of Heljarchen Hall and getting Gregor as housecarl; acquiring Azura’s Star; running the Thalmor Embassy; and saving Esbern from the Ratway.

    This post contains minor post-plot spoilers for Moon and Star and Project AHO, involving characters you can encounter after running Moon and Star, and location of the AHO. And minor spoilers for Legacy of the Dragonborn, involving functionality available in the Safehouse and the locations of a couple of items for Tools of the Trade.