• Kendeshel Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Kendeshel Explores the Ruins of Winterhold

    Back to Kendeshel’s playthrough! After this one I have four more playthrough posts left for catching up on 2023, then I can work on getting caught up on 2024’s posts!

    Main action here: running the Fall of Winterhold quest added in by Immersive College of Winterhold; taking out Tyra Blood-Fire, the Seducers bandits near Forsaken Cave, and the dragon Viinturuth; and doing a little light thievery on behalf of the East Empire Company in Windhelm.

  • Kendeshel Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Kendeshel Fights for the Imperials and is Inducted as a Companion and a Bard

    This is a big chonky post, covering two days’ worth of action in my Legacy of the Dragonborn playthrough. Main items of interest here are beginning to find recruits for the Explorer’s Society; helping Whiterun fight off a Stormcloak attack; recovering a fragment of Wuuthrad for the Companions, and being formally inducted into their number; returning Olaf’s Verse to the Bards College and being formally inducted into their number as well; taking Fort Dunstad for the Empire; and recovering missing instruments for the Bards College; and finding the Minor Lord’s Mail.

  • Kendeshel Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Kendeshel Joins the Imperial Legion and the Companions

    I thought I was done with commentary on Project AHO, but not quite. Got a couple more minor spoilery comments about the AHO in this post, pertaining to rewards given in that mod and how they apply to my playthrough moving forward, as well as Kendeshel’s mindset after her experiences with that plot.

    Also, spoilery commentary in this post about Legacy of the Dragonborn as well, as this features the Shadows of One’s Past quest for that mod.

    Aside from that, action in this post that isn’t mod-specific includes getting the Daedric plate armor, cleaning out the first Saints bandits camp for the Saints and Seducers quest, joining the Imperial Legion, joining the Companions, running Dead Men’s Respite, doing the civil war champions fight, and running Korvanjund to get the Jagged Crown.

  • Kendeshel Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Kendeshel Returns a Horn, Saves a Tree, and Adopts a Daughter

    This is a three-session post, since a bunch of this action was my doing some followup with Project AHO stuff–but only because I wanted to find a certain character from that plot and get him stolen stuff. But I also saw another notable NPC from this plot back out in the world, and that has, shall we say, implications.

    So some minor spoilers here for post-end of the Project AHO plot.

    The rest of this action is me also getting in some standard early Skyrim playthrough stuff that I usually have done by now in a typical playthrough, but which have been postponed due to major mod action! Namely: finally returning the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, running the Mind of Madness quest to get the Wabbajack, running The Blessings of Nature to fix the Gildergreen, and last but not least, adopting Lucia in Whiterun.

  • Kendeshel Playthrough,  Skyrim

    Fic: Repentance and Resolve

    This is the second scene inspired by my recent play of the Project AHO plot in my Kendeshel Skyrim playthrough. Events here are specifically inspired by running the main Skyrim plot The Blessings of Nature, and doing the version of it where I agree to let Maurice Jondrelle accompany me to the Eldergleam Sanctuary.

    But on the way through Mixwater Mill again, I spotted the same character whose encounter with you sparks off the Project AHO plot–now back in the very same place.

    And suffice to say, my Dragonborn had some opinions about this. So this scene is the result. It’s more detailed than the game allowed me to play, but it is my official headcanon for how seeing that character again went. And I’m also accounting for Kendeshel’s mindset in the aftermath of Project AHO’s events, and how that ties in with my ongoing play of Legacy of the Dragonborn, too.

    So here we go, a fic called “Repentance and Resolve”. 4,272 words. The playthrough post this goes will be my next official Kendeshel post!

  • Kendis Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Kendis Becomes Thane of Haafingar and Fights the Mythic Dawn

    Time for catchup with Kendis in Skyrim! Main action in this post: clearing Sunderstone Gorge; defeating the ghost of Potema in the Solitude catacombs; getting the Wabbajack; killing Crowstooth at Arcwind Point; questing through Varlais Cavern and then Red Scar Cavern, and triggering the Oblivion gate; questing in the Deadlands; saving Malborn from assassination; initial action to get the thaneship in the Reach; and lots and lots and lots of fishing.

  • Kendis Playthrough,  Skyrim

    In Which Kendis Confronts Alduin, Interrupts Necromancers, and Recovers a Shard

    Wow, I am super behind on my playthrough posts. And I’ve been so heavily playing ESO lately that my Skyrim playthroughs have actually lagged! I’ve hit a point where ESO has become more interesting just because it’s got way more content I actually haven’t played yet.

    But that said, here are the last three sessions I’ve done with Kendis on the Switch, the earliest of which was back in late May, and the last of which was last night.