In Which Elessir Slays Some Mudcrabs and Heads to Solstheim
In which Elessir finds rare fish, a Dwemer fishing rod, and enchanted axes; cooks a seafood feast; fights off an attack of frenzied mudcrabs near Dawnstar; and heads to Solstheim, to hunt down the mysterious Miraak who's trying to kill him.
In Which Finds-The-Way Goes to Solstheim
In which Finds-The-Way discovers a Word of Power in Shriekwind Bastion; helps Viriya get set up as a merchant in Riften; travels to Solstheim in search of clues about Miraak; recovers an Ancient Nord Pickaxe; and helps Crescius Caerellius prove how his great-grandfather died in Bloodskal Barrow.
In Which Kendis Fights Through Game Performance Problems to Defeat Miraak
In which Kendis slays Ildari Sarothril at Highpoint Tower; recovers the map to the stalhrim source for the Skaal; discovers the Black Books inside White Ridge Barrow and Benkongerike; discovers the hoard of Haknir Death-Brand; and last but not least, confronts Miraak in Apocrypha, liberating Solstheim from his control.
In Which Kendis Aids the Tribunal Cult on Solstheim
In which Kendis gives aid to a secret Tribunal cult on Solstheim; quests further into Kolbjorn Barrow on behalf of her mining partner; helps Elynea heal Master Neloth's mushroom house; finds Neloth a new steward; and helps Neloth identify what enemy has been sending ash spawn to attack his tower.
In Which Kendis Quests Across Solstheim, But With Challenges
In which Kendis discovers the truth about what happened to Gratian Caerellius in Raven Rock Mine; slays a dragon priest in Bloodskal Barrow; clears the All-Maker Stones of Miraak's influence all over Solstheim; helps a frustrated miner at Kolbjorn Barrow; recruits the wizard Neloth to help find a Black Book in Nchardak; learns how to make netch leather armor; and rescues Baldor of the Skaal from the Thalmor.
In Which Kendis Heads to Solstheim
In which Kendis helps Viriya build a market stall in Riften; finds good homes for her Elder Scrolls; visits Ysgramor's Tomb to cleanse herself of lycanthropy; journeys to Solstheim to investigate the mysterious Miraak sending cultists after her; and begins work on cleansing the All-Maker Stones of their tainted hold on the people of the island.
In Which Faanshi Defeats Ahzidal, Miraak and Alduin
In which Faanshi defeats Miraak in Apocrypha, the dragon priest Ahzidal at Kolbjorn Barrow, and Alduin at the Throat of the World and in Sovngarde.
In Which Faanshi Does More Side Questing
In which Faanshi quests into White Ridge Barrow and Benkongerike in search of Black Books; and in which she assists the scholar Tharstan in Vahlok's Tomb.
In Which Faanshi Gains a Hoard and Some Stalhrim
In which Faanshi once again clears Kolbjorn Barrow of draugr; acquires the hoard of Haknir Death-Brand; discovers the werebear Torkild; slays a dragon near Raven Rock; and mines a great deal of stalhrim at the new stalhrim source.
In Which Faanshi Signs On With the Rieklings
In which Faanshi drives the Thalmor off from Northshore Landing and recovers the stalhrim map; finds more Deathbrand armor; learns how to make netch leather armor; and aids the rieklings in keeping their hold on Thirsk Mead Hall.