In Which Kendeshel Acquires Dawnbreaker and the Masque of Clavicus Vile
As has become standard in the early stages of my Skyrim playthroughs, I did the double header of running A Daedra’s Best Friend parallel with The Break of Dawn. Because Barbas is just too damned useful when it comes to going after Malkoran!
Also, I ran Robber’s Gorge, took out the bandit Peladius at Dragon Bridge, claimed Hendraheim as a house, took out Kematu and his warriors to resolve the In My Time of Need quest, worked on building out the farm at Goldenhills Plantation, and got Noster Eagle-Eye his helmet back.
In Which Finds-The-Way Gets Dawnbreaker, But Not the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller
Swinging back around to my Skyrim run in German, here’s a couple more sessions with Finds-The-Way! Main action here: getting Dawnbreaker; finishing up the Daedra’s Best Friend plot; taking out zombies at the necromancer ritual site; taking out the dragon at Ancient’s Ascent; and last but not least, running Ustengrav. Where Finds did not get the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller.
In Which Shenner Defeats a Forsworn Fugitive, a Bandit Chief, and a Giant
Main action in this session was finally resolving the Bones for a Crow quest, as well as the quest A Dying Wish. These sent me to Arcwind Point to finally slay the Forsworn fugitive Crowstooth, and also gain the gratitude of Rulnik Wind-Strider for saving his life, which now makes him available to me as a follower. Also, I ran a couple of bounties, and have Windstad Manor in progress!
In Which Merawen Gets Final Restoration Training
Yet another “general adventuring and crafting” type session, but featuring doing the Restoration Ritual Quest, and doing quite a bit of treasure hunting.