In Which Faanshi Weds a Sword-Maiden
In which Faanshi marries her housecarl, Jordis the Sword-Maiden; adopts Runa Fair-Shield from Honorhall Orphanage; and recruits the vampire Serana to join her for another adventure, journeying to Solstheim in search of the mysterious Miraak.
In Which Shenner Finds a Briarheart for Neloth
In which Shenner distributes her hard-won loot across several of her houses; fights the Forsworn at Lost Valley Redoubt, and observes a briarheart for Neloth there; and returns to Tel Mithryn on Solstheim, where she is tasked to take out Neloth's nemesis Ildari Sarothril.
In Which Shenner Attends to Loose Ends
In which Shenner brings taproots and a new steward to Tel Mithryn; slays a dragon while hunting for juniper berries; and returns to Skyrim to begin a hunt for a Briarheart for Neloth.
In Which Shenner Defeats Miraak in Apocrypha
In which Shenner reforges the sword Trueflame; discovers a Word of Power in White Ridge Barrow, and a lot of spiders; and slays Miraak at the summit of Apocrypha.
In Which Shenner Rescues a Curate and Slays a Priest of Dagoth Ur
In which Shenner quests through Benkongerike; returns to Skyrim's mainland to rescue a missing curate for the temple; solves the secret of what has been happening at Kolbjorn Barrow; and defends the temple from attack by ash zombies before hunting down and slaying the renegade priest who sent them.
In Which Shenner Returns to Kolbjorn Barrow and Enters Benkongerike
In which Shenner further aids the excavation at Kolbjorn Barrow, and slays more of the draugr there; and in which she begins to quest through Benkongerike.
In Which Shenner Claims the Deathbrand Hoard and the Black Bow of Fate
In which Shenner claims the hoard of treasure in Gyldenhul Barrow, including Bloodscythe and Soulrender; and in which she runs the gauntlet in Kagrumez to claim the Dwarven Black Bow of Fate. (First session played on the Steam Deck!)
In Which Shenner Meets Hermaeus Mora and Goes to Solstheim
In which Shenner brings crimson nirnroot to Avrusa Sarethi; returns the runed Lexicon to Septimus Signus, and meets the Daedra Hermaeus Mora; and journeys to the island of Solstheim to seek information on the mysterious Miraak, whose cultists are trying to kill her.
In Which Ysani Defeats Alduin in Sovngarde
In which Ysani oversees the peace council at High Hrothgar; slays two final dragons while searching Words of Power; gains the help of Odahviing to reach Skuldafn and Sovngarde; and slays Alduin with the aid of heroes of Sovngarde.
In Which Ysani Defeats Vahlok, Karstaag, and Miraak
In which Ysani escorts the scholar Tharstan through Vahlok's tomb, and slays the dragon priest Vahlok the Jailor; slays the ghost frost giant Karstaag; and last but certainly not least, slays Miraak the First Dragonborn, at the summit of Apocrypha.