In Which Marwyth Saves Sai Sahan and Selfora
Another drop of sessions involving my ESO alt Marwyth! Main action featured in this post: saving Sai Sahan as part of the main plot; infilitrating No Shira Citadel as part of the Thieves Guild plot; saving the town of Selfora as part of the main quest in Deshaan; and helping the Argonians of Silent Mire fight off attacking slaver pirates.
In Which Marwyth Moves a Bunch of Plots Along
This set of sessions are a mixed bag! Did a little of everything, moving the plots along not only for the main quest, but also the Thieves, Mages, and Fighters Guilds. Plus, side helpings of crafting, writ running, and robbing of the ships in Daggerfall!
And also, finding Billy Boyd’s character in the game finally, which was a delightful surprise. <3
In Which Gyllerah Gets Her Main and Mages Quests On
Now we’re talking. A few sessions in which primary action was Main Quest stuff, but with a side helping of Mages Guild action as well!
In Which Gyllerah Saves an Oracle and Recovers a Tome
This is a multi-session post, in which most of the action is honestly just me running a boatload of writs–but also finishing up that quest that’s the prologue to Summerset. And advancing the Mages Guild questline a little, and claiming the second of the important books from Sheogorath, in the attempt to win back the island he’d claimed from Shalidor.
In Which Gyllerah Has Quite a Few Adventures
This is a single session post, which has turned out to be less common for Gyllerah’s playthrough. But I had enough action happen in this session that a single post is warranted!
I scried for antiquities and successfully found a couple. I visited the Alik’r Desert for the first time. I boinged to Auridon to find out why someone at the Mages Guild wanted to see me, and then started the Mages Guild plot and the main plot in Auridon about stopping an assassination attempt on the Queen. And I visited the realm of Sheogorath! Whew. That’s a lot.