In Which Faanshi Becomes Thane of the Rift
In which Faanshi clears out a skooma dealer den; buys the house Honeyside in Riften; gains the thaneship in Riften, and Iona as housecarl; and begins investigating Largashbur and Avanchnzel.
In Which Shenner Recovers the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller and Slays a Dragon Priest
In which Shenner recovers the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller; slays the dragon Sahloknir at Kynesgrove; slays another dragon and a Dragon Priest at Shearpoint; slays bandits and gains fine new armor; and builds a house at Lakeview.
In Which Faanshi Recovers the Horn and Slays Sahloknir
In which Faanshi quests through Ustengrav; finds who stole the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller; slays the dragon Sahloknir, and gains the aid of Delphine; returns the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller to the Greybeards; and seeks to join the Bard's College in Solitude.
In Which Faanshi Acquires Dawnbreaker and Returns a Dog to His Master
In which Faanshi battles bandits at Halted Stream Camp; aids the Daedra dog Barbas in being reunited with his master Clavicus Vile; cleanses Meridia's temple and acquires the sword Dawnbreaker; and journeys to Ustengrav to seek the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller.
In Which Ysani Saves a Moth Priest and Returns to Castle Volkihar
In which Ysani saves a Moth Priest from vampires, recovers a schematic for Sorine Jurard, and then returns with Serana to sneak into Castle Volkihar in search of her long-lost mother. Oh, and actually does NOT slay some encountered Thalmor on sight!
In Which Ysani Seeks the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller and Becomes Thane of Falkreath
In which Ysani clears Treva's Watch of bandits; in which she is named thane of Falkreath; in which she seeks the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller in Ustengrav; and in which she is recruited for the Thieves Guild in Riften.
In Which Delga Visits Alduin’s Wall and Becomes Thane of Hjaalmarch
In which Delga investigates Alduin's Wall with the help of the Blades; in which she battles multiple dragons; and in which she becomes thane of Hjaalmarch.
In Which Delga Becomes Thane of Riften
In which Delga acquires a sacred sapling for Danica Pure-Spring; seeks but does not find the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller; seeks and DOES find a lost helmet; and last but not least, becomes thane of Riften and buys the house called Honeyside.
In Which Merawen Defeats the Ebony Warrior and Arranges a Peace Council
In which Merawen gives the Ebony Warrior the final sendoff to Sovngarde he craves; and in which she gets both Ulfric Stormcloak and General Tullius to agree to a peace council.
In Which Merawen Flees to Riften
In which Merawen, furious that the search for the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller does NOT go as planned—and freaked out by this whole Dragonborn thing—orders her housecarl back to Whiterun; and in which she then flees first to Solitude, and then to Riften.