In Which Ysani Goes to the Greybeards
In which Ysani heeds the summons of the Greybeards, and journeys with her new housecarl Lydia to the Throat of the World; and in which Ysani begins to investigate the allegedly haunted barrow near Ivarstead.
In Which Ysani Fights Her First Dragon
In which Ysani escapes Bleak Falls Barrow and returns to Whiterun--only to get the biggest shock of her life when she's called upon to help fight off a dragon attack that reveals that she is Dragonborn.
In Which Ysani Goes to Whiterun and Bleak Falls Barrow
In which Ysani brings the word of the Helgen attack to Whiterun; and in which she ventures into Bleak Falls Barrow in search of the Dragonstone, as well as a stolen Golden Claw.
In Which Delga Slays Alduin the World-Eater
In which Delga faces Alduin on the Throat of the World; in which she leads the capture and interrogation of the dragon Odahviing at Dragonsreach; and in which, with Odahviing's help, she flies to Skuldafn to hunt and slay Alduin in Sovngarde.
In Which Delga Defeats the First Dragonborn
In which Delga confronts and defeats Miraak at the Summit of Apocrypha, and saves the island of Solstheim; and in which she returns to the Skyrim mainland with her housecarl Iona.
In Which Delga Marries, Adopts Children, and Retakes Thirsk Mead Hall
In which Delga marries Aela the Huntress, and adopts Lucia and Sofie as daughters; in which she and Aela venture into Lost Valley Redoubt to fight the Forsworn there; and in which she helps displaced Nords regain their stolen home, Thirsk Mead Hall.
In Which Delga Lays Her Steward to Rest
In which Delga visits all of her properties and nearby cities to do assorted crafting and smithing and selling of goods; and in which she lays her poor dead steward Ria to a proper rest.
In Which Delga Does General Adventuring
In which Delga does some general adventuring, including banishing the Pale Lady in Frostmere Crypt, avenging a fallen Dawnguard novice, battling dragons and a dragon priest, and finding Words of Power in Rannveig's Fast and Valthume.
In Which Delga Hunts for Crimson Nirnroot
In which Delga returns to Blackreach to track down more of the elusive crimson nirnroot, which she then delivers to a grateful Avrusa Sarethi at Sarethi Farm.
In Which Delga Hunts for Schematics and Blood Samples
In which Delga goes hunting for more schematics for Sorine of the Dawnguard, and also blood samples for Septimus; in which she returns to the Forgotten Vale to explore the Paragon Portal; and in which she returns to Septimus with the samples, which does not go well for Septimus.